首页> 外文期刊>Journal of interconnection networks >Revisiting Constructions of Large Cayley Graphs of Given Degree and Diameter from Regular Orbits

Revisiting Constructions of Large Cayley Graphs of Given Degree and Diameter from Regular Orbits


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The largest order C(d, k) of a Cayley graph of degree d ≥ 3 and diameter k ≥ 2 cannot exceed the Moore bound M(d, k) the asymptotic form of which is M(d, k) = d~k - O(d~(k-1)) for d → ∞ and a fixed k. The second and the third author~(20) and the three authors~1 proved by direct constructions that the Moore bound for diameter k = 2 and k = 3, respectively, can be approached asymptotically by Cayley graphs in the sense that C(d, k)/M(d, k) → 1 for some sequences of degrees d → ∞. In this note we present a unifying principle underlying the two results, based on the existence of certain regular orbits of automorphism groups of suitable graphs.
机译:d≥3和直径k≥2的Cayley图的最大阶C(d,k)不能超过摩尔定律M(d,k)的渐近形式为M(d,k)= d〜k -O(d〜(k-1))对于d→∞和固定k。第二和第三作者〜(20)和三个作者〜1通过直接构造证明,直径为k = 2和k = 3的摩尔定律可以通过Cayley图渐近地逼近C(d ,对于d→∞的某些序列,k(k)/ M(d,k)→1。在本说明中,我们基于合适图的自同构群的某些规则轨道的存在,提出了这两个结果的统一原理。



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