首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Global Optimization >Stabilizer-based symmetry breaking constraints for mathematical programs

Stabilizer-based symmetry breaking constraints for mathematical programs


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Mathematical programs whose formulation is symmetric often take a long time to solve using Branch-and-Bound type algorithms, because of the several symmetric optima. A simple technique used in these cases is to adjoin symmetry breaking constraints to the formulation before solving the problem. These constraints: (a) aim to guarantee that at least one optimum is feasible, whilst making some of the symmetric optima infeasible; and (b) are usually associated to the different orbits of the action of the formulation group on the set of variable indices. In general, one cannot adjoin symmetry breaking constraints from more than one orbit. In Liberti (Math Program A 131:273-304, doi:10.1007/s10107-010-0351-0, 2012), some (restrictive) sufficient conditions are presented which make it possible to adjoin such constraints from several orbits at the same time. In this paper we present a new, less restrictive method for the same task, and show it performs better computationally.
机译:公式对称的数学程序通常需要很长的时间才能使用分支定界型算法求解,因为存在多个对称最优解。在这些情况下使用的一种简单技术是在解决问题之前将对称破坏约束附加到公式上。这些限制条件:(a)旨在确保至少一个最优方案是可行的,同时使某些对称最优方案不可行; (b)和(b)通常与配方组在可变指标集上作用的不同轨道有关。通常,一个人不能邻接来自多个轨道的对称破坏约束。在Liberti(Math Program A 131:273-304,doi:10.1007 / s10107-010-0351-0,2012)中,提出了一些(限制性)充分条件,这些条件使得可以同时从多个轨道邻接此类约束。在本文中,我们针对同一任务提出了一种新的,限制性较小的方法,并证明了该方法在计算上表现更好。



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