首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Food Science >Dielectric properties of vegetables and fruits as a function of temperature, ash, and moisture content

Dielectric properties of vegetables and fruits as a function of temperature, ash, and moisture content


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The dielectric properties of 15 vegetables and fruits were measured at 2450MHz from 5 to 130 degreesC. Equations were developed as a function of temperature, ash, and either moisture content or water activity, and compared to literature equations. Dielectric constant of vegetables and fruits decreased with temperature and ash content. However, ash was not a factor in the equations produced separately for fruits. Dielectric loss factor changed quadrically with increasing temperature: first decreasing and then increasing. This transition temperature decreased with ash content. Ash increased the dielectric loss factor. Garlic and potato gave unusual results, which could be explained by the behavior of solutions of inulin and potato starch, respectively. [References: 27]
机译:在5至130摄氏度的2450MHz频率下测量了15种蔬菜和水果的介电性能。根据温度,灰分以及水分或水分活度开发方程式,并将其与文献方程式进行比较。蔬菜和水果的介电常数随温度和灰分含量降低。但是,灰分并不是水果的方程式中的一个因素。介电损耗因数随温度升高呈四次变化:先降低后升高。该转变温度随灰分含量降低。灰分增加了介电损耗因子。大蒜和马铃薯给出了不同寻常的结果,这可以分别用菊粉和马铃薯淀粉溶液的行为来解释。 [参考:27]



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