首页> 外文期刊>Journal of food protection >Modeling the effect of ethanol vapor on the germination time of Penicillium chrysogenum.

Modeling the effect of ethanol vapor on the germination time of Penicillium chrysogenum.


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The influence of ethanol vapor on germination of Penicillium chrysogenum was determined on yeast nitrogen base plus glucose agar medium at 25 degrees C. Ethanol vapors were generated by 0 to 6% (wt/wt) ethanol solutions at the bottom of hermetically closed petri dishes. The logistic equation was used to describe the data as the percentage of germination versus time and to estimate the germination time. The effect of ethanol concentration on germination time was described by a new reparameterized equation, resulting in an estimated limiting ethanol concentration of 4.3%. Up to 3% ethanol, all spores germinated, and the germination time increased with increasing ethanol concentration. At 3.5 and 4%, some spores formed abnormal germ tubes and others were inhibited at the swelling stage. The inhibiting effect of ethanol was reversible under these experimental conditions.
机译:在25摄氏度下,在酵母氮碱和葡萄糖琼脂培养基上测定乙醇蒸汽对产黄青霉发芽的影响。在密闭培养皿底部,乙醇溶液由0至6%(wt / wt)的乙醇溶液产生。使用逻辑方程式将数据描述为发芽率与时间的百分比,并估计发芽时间。乙醇浓度对发芽时间的影响由新的重新参数化方程式描述,估计的极限乙醇浓度为4.3%。乙醇含量高达3%时,所有孢子均发芽,发芽时间随乙醇浓度的增加而增加。在3.5%和4%时,一些孢子形成了异常的胚芽管,而另一些在肿胀阶段被抑制了。在这些实验条件下,乙醇的抑制作用是可逆的。



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