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Pioneer Concentrates on 50' and 43' PDPs for Consumer POP Market


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Pioneer Corp. is shifting the focus of its PDP business from the industrial market to the consumer market. Since the end of 2002, the company has emphasized consumer applications for PDP TVs both in Japan and abroad. This shift follows the rapid increase in demand for consumer-use PDPs that started in Japan last year. The trend has since expanded to overseas markets. As a result, demand for consumer-use PDPs has outpaced that of industrial-use PDPs. Against this backdrop, Pioneer has emphasized consumer applications, focusing on PDP TVs both in the Japanese and overseas markets since late last year. Pioneer is concentrating on 50-inch and 43-inch models so that it can improve production efficiency and enhance cost competitiveness. The company currently is producing all its PDPs in Japan and has expanded production capacity gradually. Pioneer plans to achieve production capacity for 300,000 units a year by the end of 2003, according to Yasuo Sakuma, General Manager, Business Planning Department, Display Business Division, Home Entertainment Company, Pioneer Corp.
机译:先锋公司正在将其PDP业务的重点从工业市场转移到消费市场。自2002年底以来,该公司一直在日本和国外重点关注PDP电视的消费者应用。这一转变是在去年开始于日本的对消费者使用的PDP需求快速增长之后的。此后趋势已扩展到海外市场。结果,对消费者使用的PDP的需求已经超过了工业用途的PDP。在这种背景下,先锋公司自去年下半年以来一直强调消费类应用,重点是日本和海外市场上的PDP电视。先锋专注于50英寸和43英寸型号,以便提高生产效率并增强成本竞争力。该公司目前在日本生产所有PDP,并逐渐扩大了生产能力。先锋公司家庭娱乐公司显示器业务部业务计划部总经理Yasuo Sakuma表示,先锋计划到2003年底实现年产30万台的生产能力。



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