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Endogenous Preferences and Embeddedness: A Reappraisal of Karl Polanyi

机译:内生的偏好和内在性:对Karl Polanyi的重新评估

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To conclude, one should underline Polanyi's main themes. Although he never spoke of endogenous preferences one can capture in his work a vision of the historical specificity and institutional dependence of human purposes and reasons for behavior. It is undeniable that in Polanyi there is a certain tendency to overlook human volition and to fall into a kind of institutional determinism. Nevertheless Polanyi recognizes the scope for deliberate human action when he defines institutions as "embodiments of human meaning and purposes" (1957, 254). Furthermore, in Polanyi's work there is a very clear awareness of the complexity of the motives for human action and a defense, which is continuously reaffirmed, of the plurality of reasons to act in economic interactions and their relation to the patterns of interaction that are dominant. Nevertheless, there is a lack of a clear and well-systematized account of the possible causal links by which institutions influence human preferences. If one recognizes that it is important to consider preferences as endogenous and complex, then Polanyi's substantive economy can be a good starting point. His substantive economy takes morality into account, in the sense that its foundations lie on the recognition that man is a moral being with duties toward himself and others, with a understanding of what is good and what is bad and that these moral codes, which are somehow dependent on the institutional milieu but which are still open to interpretation and choice by reflexive individuals, exert a powerful influence upon economic affairs. It is also a political economy in the sense that it considers that power and compulsion are constitutive facts of life in society and therefore cannot be ignored by assuming a picture of the individual as an entirely autonomous being, forgetting "the reality of society and its all-powerful influence upon character" (1957, 127). If this is so and if, as Polanyi thought, individual development, "moral freedom and independence of mind" are the ultimate values then political economy is about inquiring into the ways institutions+be they the market or the State―enhance or hinder these values. For him a desirable society, a society with "distinctively human relations of persons" should consciously subordinate economic institutions to these values. How is that done? We do not know, but we suppose that this is the fundamental question for economic theory.
机译:总之,应该强调波兰尼的主要主题。尽管他从未谈论过内生的偏好,但人们仍可以在他的作品中看到人类目的和行为原因的历史特殊性和制度依赖性。不可否认,在波兰尼,有某种趋势会忽视人类的意志并陷入一种制度决定论。然而,波兰尼在将制度定义为“人类意义和目的的体现”时,意识到人为行动的范围(1957,254)。此外,在波兰尼的著作中,人们非常清楚地意识到了人类行动动机的复杂性,并且不断重申防御是在经济互动中发挥作用的多种原因及其与主要互动方式的关系。 。然而,对于制度影响人类偏好的可能因果关系,缺乏清晰和系统化的解释。如果人们认识到将偏好视为内生的和复杂的这一点很重要,那么波兰尼的实体经济可以成为一个很好的起点。他的实质经济考虑到了道德,因为它的基础是基于这样的认识:人是一个道德人,对自己和他人负有责任,了解什么是好是坏,以及这些道德准则是什么。某种程度上取决于制度环境,但仍然可以由反身个人进行解释和选择,这对经济事务产生了强大的影响。从某种意义上讲,它也是一种政治经济学,它认为权力和强迫是社会生活的构成性事实,因此不能通过假设个人是完全自主的存在而忘记“社会及其全部现实”而忽略不计。 -对角色的强大影响”(1957年,第127页)。如果是这样,并且按照波兰尼的思想,如果个人发展,“道德自由和思想独立”是终极价值观,那么政治经济学就是要探讨制度+市场或国家的方式-增强或阻碍这些价值观。 。对他而言,一个理想的社会是一个具有“明显的人际关系”的社会,应该有意识地使经济制度服从于这些价值观。怎么做?我们不知道,但是我们认为这是经济理论的基本问题。



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