首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities >Parenting Stress in Families of Children with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome and Down Syndrome

Parenting Stress in Families of Children with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome and Down Syndrome

机译:Cornelia de Lange综合征和唐氏综合症患儿的家庭育儿压力

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We assessed similarities and differences in self-reported stress (Parenting Stress Index: Short Form [PSI-SF]), patterns of challenging child behavior (Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form [NCBRF]), and characteristics of autism (Gilliam Autism Rating Scale 2nd Edition [GARS-2]) across two distinct groups of children and young adults 5 to 24 years old: Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS, n = 25, M age (SD) = 11.4 (4.7) years), and Down syndrome (DS, n = 23, M age (SD) = 13.4 (6.0) years). Parents were recruited from the CdLS-USA Foundation and DS parent support groups across the United States. The study focused on identifying specific patterns of (a) parenting stress and (b) challenging behavior and autism-like characteristics in children with CdLS and DS. It was found that parents of CdLS children experienced far more stress than those of children with DS, and the difference could not be explained completely by demographic variables or children’s developmental level. Rather it appears that the especially elevated stress in parents of children with CdLS can be traced in significant part to the children’s high levels of challenging behavior, low levels of pro-social behavior, and self-injury / stereotypy. Additional results revealed that children with CdLS exhibited significantly higher levels of challenging behavior and autism-like characteristics, and lower levels of pro-social behavior, and appropriate communicative behaviors. Multivariate regression showed that optimum prediction of stress for the total sample was yielded by a combination of the child’s elevated self-injury / stereotypy and decreased social interaction skills (R 2 = 0.217, R 2 adj = 0.182, p model = 0.004), and the addition of the child’s diagnosis significantly increased predictability, R 2 = 0.273, R 2 adj = 0.223, p model = 0.003. The elevated stress in parents of children with CdLS appears to be focused primarily on their children’s specific difficult child behaviors, a factor that was of much less concern to parents of children with DS. Results are discussed in terms of a possible behavioral phenotype for CdLS and future research on early intervention for parenting stress. It is noted that parenting stress in the CdLS sample is so high as to be unmeasurable (i.e., ceiling effect) in a large minority of the parents, and this makes it an urgent priority to develop well-targeted early interventions for parenting stress in these families.
机译:我们评估了自我报告的压力(父母压力指数:简称[PSI-SF]),挑战性儿童行为的模式(尼森格儿童行为评估表[NCBRF])和自闭症的特征(Gilliam自闭症评估量表2nd)的异同版[GARS-2])分为两组,分别为5至24岁的儿童和青少年:Cornelia de Lange综合征(CdLS,n = 25,M年龄(SD)= 11.4(4.7)岁),和唐氏综合症(DS,n = 23,M年龄(SD)= 13.4(6.0)岁)。从美国CdLS-美国基金会和DS父母支持小组招募了父母。这项研究的重点是确定患有CdLS和DS的儿童的(a)父母压力和(b)挑战性行为以及自闭症样特征的特定模式。研究发现,CdLS儿童的父母比DS儿童的父母承受的压力要大得多,这种差异不能完全由人口统计学变量或儿童的发育水平来解释。相反,似乎CdLS患儿父母的压力特别高,这在很大程度上可以归因于儿童的高挑战性行为,亲社会行为的低水平以及自我伤害/定型观念。其他结果显示,患有CdLS的儿童表现出较高的挑战性行为和自闭症样特征,亲社会行为和适当的交际行为水平较低。多元回归分析显示,总的最佳压力预测是由于孩子的自残/刻板印象提高和社交互动技能下降而产生的(R 2 = 0.217,R 2 adj = 0.182,p模型 = 0.004),加上孩子的诊断显着提高了可预测性,R 2 = 0.273,R 2 adj = 0.223,p型号 = 0.003。 CdLS患儿父母的压力增加似乎主要集中在他们孩子的特定困难儿童行为上,而DS患儿的父母很少担心这一因素。根据可能的CdLS行为表型和对早期干预父母压力的研究来讨论结果。值得注意的是,CdLS样本中的父母压力很大,以至于在少数父母中无法测量(即上限效应),这使得在这些父母中为父母压力制定针对性强的早期干预措施成为当务之急。家庭。



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