首页> 外文期刊>Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit >CO2-Footprints for Food of Animal Origin – Present Stage and Open Questions

CO2-Footprints for Food of Animal Origin – Present Stage and Open Questions

机译:动物来源食品的CO 2 -脚印–现阶段和未解决的问题

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The environmental assessment of human activities is presently a hot topic. It is not only important from an ecological perspective, but also from the view of efficient utilization of limited natural resources such as fuel, land area, water und phosphorus. The environmental impact of food of animal origin is currently quantified by so-called CO2eq-footprints. To define CO2eq-footprints, emissions arising along the food chain will be calculated according to their greenhouse potentials (carbon dioxide = 1 eq; methane ≈ 23 eq, laughing gas ≈ 300 eq). For the primary production of milk, meat and eggs, emissions during crop production, transportation, the storing and processing of feeds, animal keeping, enteric losses and excrement management can be mentioned as examples.
机译:人类活动的环境评估目前是一个热门话题。这不仅从生态角度来看很重要,而且从有效利用有限的自然资源(例如燃料,土地面积,水和磷)的角度来看也很重要。目前,动物性食品对环境的影响可以通过所谓的CO 2eq 足迹来量化。为了定义CO 2eq 的足迹,将根据食物链中温室气体的排放量(二氧化碳= 1当量;甲烷≈23当量,笑气≈300当量)来计算沿食物链的排放。对于牛奶,肉和蛋的初级生产,可以举出作物生产,运输,饲料的存储和加工,动物饲养,肠道损失和排泄物管理过程中的排放。



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