首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering >Software Framework for Parameter Updating and Finite-Element Response Sensitivity Analysis

Software Framework for Parameter Updating and Finite-Element Response Sensitivity Analysis


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The finite-element software framework OpenSees is extended with parameter updating and response sensitivity capabilities to support client applications such as reliability, optimization, and system identification. Using software design patterns, member properties, applied loadings, and nodal coordinates can be identified and repeatedly updated in order to create customized finite-element model updating applications. Parameters are identified using a Chain of Responsibility software pattern, where objects in the finite-element model forward a parameterization request to component objects until the request is handled. All messages to identify and update parameters are passed through a Facade that decouples client applications from the finite-element domain of OpenSees. To support response sensitivity analysis, the Strategy design pattern facilitates multiple approaches to evaluate gradients of the structural response, whereas the Visitor pattern ensures that objects in the finite-element domain make the proper contributions to the equations that govern the response sensitivity. Examples demonstrate the software design and the steps taken by representative finite-element model updating and response sensitivity applications.



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