首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computers in mathematics and science teaching >Calculus in Elementary School: An Example of ICT-Based Curriculum Transformation

Calculus in Elementary School: An Example of ICT-Based Curriculum Transformation


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This project has demonstrated that ICT can help students go beyond the "unteachably abstract" (Papert, 2000) and thus experience curriculum transformation. It has shown what a digital curriculum could look like, what sorts of learning outcomes can be addressed, and how this might be done. As a nation we cannot keep tacking computers onto existing learning goals, but we need to revolutionize the teaching process (Gillard, 2008) using methods like this. Frankly, it is obvious that keyboarding is unlikely to improve handwriting. This is not an argument to discard existing curriculum outcomes, but to envisage new ones so that choices can be made. Schools can then choose to mix handwriting with computer-based skills of keyboarding and voice recognition dictation. They may also want to include in curricula new ICT-based learning outcomes in computational chemistry, robotics, gamemaking, weather forecasting and other skills which cannot be realistically achieved without a computer.



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