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Marketing communications in a post-modern world


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Inexorably, the juggernaut of marketing communication is changing shape, metamorphosing into new configurations and forms as a result of the underlying technological revolution and in the face of ongoing recessionary influences. For the first time in history, people are now exerting more influence and control over marketing processes. The media are moving in tandem with the technological drivers. Consumers and customers from Gen X, Y and Z and their forerunners are different. They have different wants, needs and desires. They access and use technologies in different ways. This is saying no more and no less than markets drive businesses - and that has always been the case - but it is more evident now than in the past. Macro-marketing to niches, segments or unitary markets seems the way forward. And marketers and managers must change too. The pews of yesterday's macro-marketing cathedrals of capitalism are being filled by the new posteriors of Gen X, Y and Z, among them many who understand the dynamics of markets today.
机译:不可避免地,由于潜在的技术革命以及面对持续的衰退影响,营销传播的主宰者正在改变形状,转变成新的配置和形式。人们现在有史以来第一次对营销过程施加更大的影响力和控制力。媒体正在与技术驱动因素并驾齐驱。 X,Y和Z代的前辈的消费者和客户不同。他们有不同的需求,需求和欲望。他们以不同的方式访问和使用技术。这就是说,市场驱动业务的趋势越来越多,而且一直如此。但现在比过去更加明显了。向利基市场,细分市场或单一市场进行宏观营销似乎是前进的道路。营销人员和管理人员也必须改变。 X,Y和Z代的新后代填补了昨天资本主义宏观营销大教堂的空白,其中许多人了解当今市场的动态。



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