首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >Perceived Behavioral Integrity: Relationships with Employee Attitudes, Well-Being, and Absenteeism

Perceived Behavioral Integrity: Relationships with Employee Attitudes, Well-Being, and Absenteeism


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Relationships between the behavioral integrity of managers as perceived by employees and employee attitudes (job satisfaction and life satisfaction), well-being (stress and health), and behaviors (absenteeism) were tested using data from the 2002 National Study of the Changing Workforce (n = 2,820). Using multivariate and univariate analysis, perceived behavioral integrity (PBI) was positively related to job and life satisfaction and negatively related to stress, poor health, and absenteeism. The effect size for the relationship with job satisfaction was medium-to-large while the effect sizes with respect to the other variables were small-to-medium. There was no support for the hypotheses that women would perceive lower levels of behavioral integrity and that the strength of the relationships between PBI and the outcomes variables would be stronger among women than among men.
机译:使用2002年《国家劳动力变动研究》(National Study of Change Workforce)中的数据测试了员工感知到的经理行为完整性与员工态度(工作满意度和生活满意度),幸福感(压力与健康)和行为(旷工)之间的关系( n = 2,820)。使用多变量和单变量分析,知觉行为完整性(PBI)与工作和生活满意度成正相关,与压力,健康状况不佳和旷工负相关。与工作满意度的关系的影响大小为中到大,而其他变量的影响大小为中到小。没有证据支持以下假设:女性会感觉到较低的行为完整性,并且女性之间的PBI与结果变量之间的关系的强度将比男性强。



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