首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >Odd Jobs, Bad Habits, and Ethical Implications: Smoking-Related Outcomes of Children's Early Employment Intensity

Odd Jobs, Bad Habits, and Ethical Implications: Smoking-Related Outcomes of Children's Early Employment Intensity


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Considerable interest has long existed in two separate phenomena of considerable social interest, namely children's early exposure to employment outside of any organizational, legislative, or collective bargaining protection, and teenage smoking. We used data from a large national survey to address possible direct and indirect links between children's early employment intensity and smoking (both intent and history) because of significant long-term implications of the link between work and well-being in a vulnerable population. Fifth to ninth grade children's (N = 19,018) informal employment intensity (number of odd jobs) was related to both smoking history and smoking intent, and these effects were partially mediated by the amount of weekly spending money and self-esteem. The number of one's parents and friends who smoke separately moderated the relationships between self-esteem and weekly spending money, and smoking behavior. These findings illustrate the complex consequences of young children's exposure to early employment, and emphasize the need for research on the ethical implications of pre- and early teenagers who are employed outside of the formal employment context.
机译:长期以来,人们对两种具有相当大社会意义的现象有着浓厚的兴趣,即儿童在任何组织,立法或集体谈判保护范围之外的早期就职,以及青少年吸烟。由于脆弱人群的工作与福祉之间的联系具有重大的长期影响,因此我们使用了一项大型全国性调查中的数据来解决儿童早期就业强度与吸烟之间的直接和间接联系(意图和历史)。五年级至九年级的儿童(N = 19,018)的非正式就业强度(零工的数量)与吸烟史和吸烟意愿有关,而这些影响在一定程度上是由每周的花钱量和自尊心引起的。分别吸烟的父母和朋友的数量减轻了自尊和每周花钱与吸烟行为之间的关系。这些发现说明了幼儿接触早期就业的复杂后果,并强调有必要研究在正式就业环境之外就业的学龄前和早期青少年的道德影响。



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