首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >What Drives Substantive Versus Symbolic Implementation of ISO 14001 in a Time of Economic Crisis? Insights from Greek Manufacturing Companies

What Drives Substantive Versus Symbolic Implementation of ISO 14001 in a Time of Economic Crisis? Insights from Greek Manufacturing Companies

机译:是什么在经济危机时期推动ISO 14001的实质性实施和符号实施?希腊制造公司的见解

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This paper analyses the role of external pressures, internal motivations and their interplay, with the intention of identifying whether they drive substantive or instead symbolic implementation of ISO 14001. The context is one of economic crisis. We focus on Greece, where the economic crisis has weakened the country's institutional environment, and analyse qualitatively new interview data from 45 ISO 14001 certified firms. Our findings show that (a) weak external pressures can lead to a symbolic implementation of ISO 14001, as firms can defend their legitimacy without incurring the costs of internalization in the local market; (b) weak external pressures can lead to substantive implementation of ISO 14001 when firms have strong internal motivations seeking to strategically differentiate from competitors in international markets. Firms internalize ISO 14001 so as to restore their legitimacy and reputation in foreign markets and stimulate their competitiveness; and (c) strong internal motivations pave the way for companies to stimulate their competitiveness by enhancing their efficiency, as some companies might strengthen their position in the local market by implementing ISO 14001 substantively. The contribution of this paper to the literature on ISO 14001 internalization lies in refining existing theory on the importance of internal motivations for the substantive implementation of ISO 14001 in the context of economic crisis. In addition, this paper extends current theory by challenging studies that dismiss the importance of external pressures. We argue that the intensity of external pressures influences the internalization of ISO 14001, but propose that this relationship might not be linear.
机译:本文分析了外部压力,内部动机及其相互影响的作用,以期确定它们是推动ISO 14001的实质性实施还是象征性实施。环境是经济危机之一。我们将重点放在希腊,那里的经济危机削弱了该国的机构环境,并定性分析了来自45家获得ISO 14001认证的公司的新访谈数据。我们的研究结果表明:(a)外部压力弱可以导致ISO 14001的象征性实施,因为企业可以捍卫其合法性而又不会在本地市场产生内部化成本; (b)当企业有强烈的内部动机寻求与国际市场上的竞争对手进行战略性区分时,外部压力较弱会导致ISO 14001的实质性实施。公司内部进行ISO 14001认证,以恢复其在国外市场的合法性和声誉,并增强其竞争力; (c)强大的内部动机为公司通过提高效率来刺激竞争力铺平了道路,因为一些公司可能会通过实质性地实施ISO 14001来增强其在当地市场的地位。本文对有关ISO 14001内部化的文献的贡献在于,完善了关于内部动机对经济危机背景下实质性实施ISO 14001重要性的现有理论。此外,本文通过挑战性研究扩展了当前的理论,这些研究忽视了外部压力的重要性。我们认为外部压力的强度会影响ISO 14001的内部化,但建议这种关系可能不是线性的。



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