首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Evidences on the migratory movements of the nectarfeeding bat Leptonycteris curasoae in Mexico using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

Evidences on the migratory movements of the nectarfeeding bat Leptonycteris curasoae in Mexico using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)


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We examined the genetic relatedness of six populations of Leptonycteris curasoae in Mexico using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). L. curasoae is a migratory bat species that pollinates columnar cacti in north-western Mexico, southern Arizona, and south-western New Mexico but may have non-migratory populations in Mexico. We collected 137 samples from six sites: two in north, one in the west, and three in south-central Mexico. The RAPD banding pattern of the bats from each site were used to calculate the proportion of polymorphic loci. The average of polymorphic bands for the south-central population was 65% and for the north-west population was 53%. AMOVA was used to obtain the variance between (VA = 60.84%) and within sites (VB = 39.16%), meaning that the greater variation is contained among sites and lesser variation inside them. The correlation between geographic and genetic distances was analyzed with a Mantel non-parametric test (r = 0.72), suggesting a structured population for this species. Our results indicate the presence of two well differentiated populations of L. curasoae, one in south-central Mexico and the other along the Pacific coast ranging from northern Mexico, including Baja California, Sonora, and Jalisco.
机译:我们使用随机扩增的多态性DNA(RAPD)检查了墨西哥小L鱼的六个种群的遗传相关性。 curasoae L. curasoae是一种迁徙的蝙蝠物种,在墨西哥西北部,亚利桑那州南部和新墨西哥州西南部给柱状仙人掌授粉,但在墨西哥可能有非迁徙种群。我们从六个地点收集了137个样本:北部两个,西部一个,墨西哥中南部三个。来自每个位点的蝙蝠的RAPD谱带图谱被用来计算多态位点的比例。中南部人口的平均多态性带为65%,西北人口为53%。 AMOVA用于获得(VA = 60.84%)与位点内(VB = 39.16%)之间的方差,这意味着位点之间包含的变异较大,而位点内部的变异较小。使用Mantel非参数检验(r = 0.72)分析了地理距离与遗传距离之间的相关性,表明该物种的结构种群。我们的研究结果表明存在两种高度分化的库氏乳杆菌种群,一个在墨西哥中南部,另一个在太平洋海岸,范围从墨西哥北部开始,包括下加利福尼亚州,索诺拉州和哈利斯科州。



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