首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Connectedness in Targhee and Suffolk flocks participating in the United States National Sheep Improvement Program1

Connectedness in Targhee and Suffolk flocks participating in the United States National Sheep Improvement Program1


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Connectedness among animals in separate flocks reduces the risk of biased comparisons when selecting across flocks on EBV. The objective in this study was to assess levels of connectedness in the genetic evaluation of weaning weight among Targhee and Suffolk flocks participating in the US National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP). Among flocks currently participating in the NSIP, a total of 25,404 weaning weight and 35,794 pedigree records were available for 16 Targhee flocks, and 14,017 weaning weight and 18,311 pedigree records were available for 24 Suffolk flocks. Connectedness was measured by using 2 different methods. First, numbers of progeny with recorded weaning weights from linking sires (defined as sires with progeny in multiple flocks or sires born in one flock with progeny in another flock) were counted. Second, connectedness was measured by calculating the average prediction error correlation of mean flock EBV (flock rsubij). Benchmarks for flock rsubij were established, with 0.10 and 0.05 representing low and moderate risk of bias associated with comparing EBV among flocks, respectively. From 1995 through 2004, 44% of Targhee lambs with weaning weights were born to linking sires; in Suffolk lambs, that value was 23%. Tn 1990, 1995, and 2005, average flock rsubij were 0.10, 0.19, and 0.28, respectively, among Targhee flocks, and 0.02, 0.02, and 0.04, respectively, among Suffolk flocks that participated in NSIP in all 3 yr. Among all active flocks in 2005, flock rsubij averaged 0.13 in Targhees and 0.03 in Suffolks. Hierarchical clustering of flocks based on flock rsubij revealed that all active Targhee flocks connected at a level near or above 0.10. In Suffolk flocks, 2 distinct clusters had formed, in which connectedness was relatively high within each cluster (flock rsubij near 0.10) but was near zero between clusters. Risk of bias in comparing EBV among flocks in the Targhee was low; however, caution should be exercised when comparing EBV between Suffolk flocks from different clusters. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:在EBV上选择不同的鸡群时,在单独的鸡群中的动物之间的连通性降低了比较结果偏倚的风险。这项研究的目的是评估参加美国国家绵羊改良计划(NSIP)的Targhee和Suffolk羊群断奶体重的遗传评估中的连接水平。在目前参加NSIP的羊群中,共有16头Targhee羊群拥有25404头断奶体重和35794头系谱记录,而24头萨福克羊群可以提供14017头断奶体重和18311头系谱记录。连通性通过两种不同的方法进行测量。首先,计算具有记录的断奶权重的后代的数量,这些后代的权重来自连接的公母(定义为具有多个群的后代公母或一个群中出生而另一个群的后代母公)。其次,通过计算平均鸡群EBV(鸡群rsubij)的平均预测误差相关性来测量连通性。建立了r子群的基准,分别以0.10和0.05表示与比较禽群EBV相关的偏低和中度风险。从1995年到2004年,有44%断奶的塔尔基羔羊出生于连接的公母。在萨福克羔羊中,这一价值为23%。 1990年,1995年和2005年,塔吉(Targhee)羊群的平均羊群rsubij分别为0.10、0.19和0.28,而在过去3年中参加NSIP的萨福克群中的平均羊群分别为0.02、0.02和0.04。在2005年所有活跃的鸡群中,塔吉斯人的羊群rsubij平均为0.13,萨福克人的羊群平均为0.03。基于鸡群rsubij的鸡群的分层聚类显示,所有活跃的塔吉鸡群都以接近或高于0.10的水平连接。在萨福克群中,形成了2个不同的簇,其中每个簇之间的连通性相对较高(群rsubij接近0.10),而簇之间却接近零。 Targhee鸡群之间比较EBV的偏见风险低;但是,在比较来自不同集群的萨福克羊群之间的EBV时应格外小心。 [出版物摘要]



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