首页> 外文期刊>journal of biomedical optics >Precision of cerebral oxygenation and hemoglobin concentration measurements in neonates measured by near-infrared spectroscopy

Precision of cerebral oxygenation and hemoglobin concentration measurements in neonates measured by near-infrared spectroscopy


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Abstract. Background and aim: One source of error with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is the assumptionnthat the measured tissue is optically homogeneous. This is not always the case. Our aim is to assess the impactnof tissue homogeneity (TH) on the precision of NIRS measurements in neonates. Methods: On 36 term and 27npreterm neonates at least five 1-min measurements are performed on each subject using the OxiplexTS. Thensensor position is slightly changed before each measurement while assessing TH. The precision for cerebral tissuenoxygenation saturation (StO2) and total hemoglobin concentration (tHb) are calculated by repeated measuresnanalysis of variance. Results: The mean StO2 is not significantly different between term and preterm infants. Thenmean tHb is significantly lower in preterm infants (p < 0.01). With increasing TH, the precision of StO2 increasenfrom 5.6 to 4.6% for preterm and from 11.0 to 2.0% for term infants; the precision of tHb increases from 10.1nto 7.5μM for preterm and from 16.4 to 3.5μM for term infants. The precision for StO2 is higher in term than innpreterm infants. The precision for tHb shows no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusions: Thenprecision of NIRS measurements correlates with tissue homogeneity. C u00022011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineersn(SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.3570303]
机译:抽象。背景与目的:近红外光谱(NIRS)的一个误差来源是假设被测组织在光学上是均匀的。这并非总是如此。我们的目的是评估组织均匀性(TH)对新生儿NIRS测量精度的影响。方法:使用OxiplexTS对每名受试者的至少36名足月新生儿和27名早产新生儿进行至少5分钟的测量。然后,在评估TH的同时,在每次测量之前传感器位置会稍有变化。通过重复测量方差分析来计算脑组织氧合饱和度(StO2)和总血红蛋白浓度(tHb)的精度。结果:足月儿和早产儿的平均StO2没有显着差异。早产儿的thb明显降低(p <0.01)。随着TH的增加,StO2的精确度从早产儿的5.6增加到4.6%,足月儿的从11.0增加到2.0%。 tHb的精确度从早产儿的10.1n增加到7.5μM,足月儿的从16.4增加到3.5μM。足月StO2的精确度高于非早产儿。 tHb的精度在两组之间没有显着差异。结论:NIRS测量的精确度与组织均匀性相关。 C u00022011光电仪器工程师协会(SPIE)。 [DOI:10.1117 / 1.3570303]



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