
With affection


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Voglio ricordare una storia. La storia di una donna, Renata Marin, di ciò che ha realizzato come persona e come imprenditrice, credendo nella possibilità dell'impossibile. Della strada bella e difficile, affascinante e a volte crudele, fatta di tanta voglia di fare che, ci piace pensare, l'ha portata ad avere quello che voleva, anche grazie a quanti le sono stati vicino.%I wish to remember a story.rnThe story of a woman, Renata Marin, of what she has achieved both as a person and as an entrepreneur, believing in the possibility of the impossible. A story that runs along a wonderful yet difficult path, fascinating and at times cruel, full of the love of doing and making, that we like to think has led her to what she sought after, thanks also to those who were close to her. Acting as a true protagonist, with a naturalness she treated everyone with kindliness if not courteousness.
机译:我想记住一个故事。女人雷纳塔·马林(Renata Marin)的故事,讲述了她作为一个人和一个企业家所取得的成就,她相信不可能的可能性。在我们美丽而艰难,艰难而又有时是残酷的道路上,我们很想做到这一点,这促使她拥有了自己想要的东西,这也要感谢与她亲近的人。%我想记住一个故事。 rn妇女雷纳塔·马林(Renata Marin)的故事讲述了她作为一个人和一个企业家所取得的成就,她相信不可能的可能性。我们希望通过一个美妙而艰难的道路来讲述这个故事,这个故事令人着迷,有时又残酷,充满了对做事和制作的热爱,这使她走向了她所追求的目标,这也要归功于与她亲近的人。作为一个真正的主角,她自然而然地对待所有人,即使不是礼貌。



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