首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Project Management >Framing value management for creative projects: An expansive perspective

Framing value management for creative projects: An expansive perspective


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Questions have been raised about the relevance of Value Management (VM) for creative projects. Such project embraces new fields of knowledge in terms of technologies, markets and business models. At the start of the project, the members do not know the value that would be finally delivered: the value is not determined ex-ante but it is designed during the project. Based on the analysis of a creative project regarding future electric vehicles at Renault, our VM framework considers three elements: (1) the value to be managed is the new knowledge and the concepts of new products/services, (2) the value of a creative project is managed by controlling the distance between the new knowledgeew concepts and the dominant design (i.e. main products and business model), (3) the value created is beneficial to both the project stakeholders and the actors of surrounding ecosystems. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
机译:有关价值管理(VM)与创意项目的相关性的问题已经提出。该项目在技术,市场和商业模式方面包含了新的知识领域。在项目开始时,成员不知道最终交付的价值:价值不是事前确定的,而是在项目期间设计的。基于对雷诺未来电动汽车创新项目的分析,我们的VM框架考虑了三个要素:(1)要管理的价值是新知识和新产品/服务的概念,(2)通过控制新知识/新概念与主导设计(即主要产品和商业模型)之间的距离来管理创意项目,(3)创造的价值既对项目利益相关者又有利于周围生态系统的参与者。 (c)2014爱思唯尔有限公司APM和IPMA。版权所有。



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