首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Project Management >Workforce-related risks in projects with a contingent workforce

Workforce-related risks in projects with a contingent workforce


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Our research examined how projects can draw together the fields of human resource management (HRM) and risk management (RM) to consider workforce-related risks on projects; particularly those with a large contingent workforce. It is argued that RM frameworks could be enhanced by a more comprehensive understanding of the specific potential non-technical "people risks" in projects. The study focussed on the Oil and Gas industry and undertook interviews with experts in the field. The findings are considered within the framework of key BRM areas; Management Practices, General Employment Practices, Staffing, BR Development, and Compensation and Benefits, along with Project Completion. Drawing together RM and HRM in a project environment, our research provides a unique opportunity to identify critical workforce-related risks. Such identification is the first step towards a more comprehensive approach to risk assessment and planning for mitigation of such risks in projects. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
机译:我们的研究检查了项目如何将人力资源管理(HRM)和风险管理(RM)领域整合在一起,以考虑项目上与劳动力相关的风险;特别是那些拥有大量临时员工的人。有人认为,可以通过对项目中特定的潜在非技术“人员风险”有更全面的了解来增强RM框架。该研究集中于石油和天然气行业,并接受了该领域专家的采访。在关键的BRM领域的框架内考虑研究结果;管理实践,一般雇佣实践,人员配备,无线电通信局开发,薪酬和福利,以及项目完成。在项目环境中将RM和HRM结合在一起,我们的研究为识别与劳动力相关的关键风险提供了独特的机会。这种识别是朝着更全面的方法进行风险评估和规划以减轻项目中此类风险的第一步。 (c)2014爱思唯尔有限公司APM和IPMA。版权所有。



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