首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Managerial Finance >Are controlling shareholders extracting private benefits from European public acquisitions?

Are controlling shareholders extracting private benefits from European public acquisitions?


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the incentives of controlling shareholders in the market for corporate control. The author investigates the takeover premiums paid by a sample of European acquiring firms with voting rights structures that are highly concentrated. The results show a positive relationship between takeover premiums and the bidder's concentration of both voting rights and excess voting rights over cash-flow rights. The author argues that with higher levels of entrenchment, takeover premiums reflect the private benefits of control which controlling shareholders in bidding firms seek to extract from a public transaction. Design/methodology/approach - This paper uses cross-sectional regression analyses to examine the relationship between takeover premiums and the extent to which bidding firm shareholders exert control as well as the arrangement which underlie this. The sample is composed by 210 deals. The data are collected from various databases (Thomson Financial's Mergers and Acquisition; Faccio and Lang's (2002); Datastream/Worldscope, LexisNexis). Findings - The premium paid in European M&A transactions is affected by the level of ownership exerted by the controlling shareholder. The results show premiums are positively and significantly associated with higher levels of voting rights, as well as, the level of separation of ownership and control when controlling shareholder ownership is low. Pyramiding structure seems to be the means of separation the most associated with takeover premiums. Research limitations/implications - This paper can be improved by other specifications. First, it would be interesting to analyze premiums paid by firms with dispersed ownership structure and to compare these premiums with those paid by firms with controlling shareholders. Second, the author suggests to examine whether a controlling shareholder occupy the seat of a CEO or a chairman. In these cases, the author assumes that the controlling shareholder can benefit from more discretion and can extract more private benefits. Third, the author suggests extending the sample period to 2007 at least to include the sixth wave. This wave was even more significant than the high-tech wave and has not been studied much. In these cases, the author assumes that the controlling shareholder can benefit from more discretion and can extract more private benefits. Originality/value - Previous studies show that the premium reflects the private benefits of control in privately negotiated transactions (mainly block transactions). In the present study, the author shows that the premium can also reflect private benefits in public merger transactions.
机译:目的-本文的目的是研究市场上控股股东进行公司控制的动机。作者调查了样本欧洲投票权结构高度集中的收购公司支付的收购溢价。结果表明,收购溢价与投标人集中表决权和现金流量权的超额表决权之间存在正相关关系。作者认为,随着较高的法律地位,收购溢价反映了投标公司的控股股东试图从公开交易中获取的控制权的私人利益。设计/方法/方法-本文使用横截面回归分析来研究收购溢价与投标公司股东行使控制权的程度之间的关系,以及以此为基础的安排。该示例由210个交易组成。数据是从各种数据库中收集的(汤姆森金融公司的并购; Faccio和Lang的书(2002年); Datastream / Worldscope,LexisNexis)。调查结果-欧洲并购交易中支付的溢价受控股股东施加的所有权水平的影响。结果表明,溢价与较高的投票权正相关,并且在控制股东所有权较低时,所有权和控制权的分离水平显着相关。金字塔结构似乎是与收购溢价最相关的分离手段。研究局限/意义-可以通过其他规格进行改进。首先,分析所有权结构分散的公司支付的保费并将这些保费与拥有控股股东的公司支付的保费进行比较将是很有意思的。其次,作者建议研究控股股东是否占据首席执行官或董事长的位置。在这些情况下,作者认为控股股东可以从更多的酌处权中受益,并可以获取更多的私人利益。第三,作者建议将采样期至少延长到2007年,以包括第六次浪潮。这一浪潮比高科技浪潮更重要,并且没有被研究太多。在这些情况下,作者认为控股股东可以从更多的酌处权中受益,并可以获取更多的私人利益。原创性/价值-先前的研究表明,溢价反映了私人协商交易(主要是大宗交易)中控制权的私人利益。在本研究中,作者表明,溢价还可以反映公共合并交易中的私人利益。



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