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International Journal of Sustainable Economy (USE)


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Globalisation, intemationalisation, technological progress, growth of human capital, technology transfer, care for natural environment and integration processes increasingly influence economic growth and development of human societies. A very special characteristic of societal development, from economic theory point of view, is so-called sustainability. A sustainable economy is one characterised by development decisions, policies and practices that accelerate the need to do more with less by making better use of resources, increase investment, promote stability and competition, develop skills and reward work and respect the cultural experiences of societies. Sustainable development requires us to take a long term view of the economy, rather than adopting short term fixes. A sustainable economy includes economic stability and competitiveness, employment and education, a healthy environment and sound environmental practices. Areas related to sustainable economy are, in particular, sustainable economic growth, an innovative and knowledge-based economy, income security and employment stability, as well as a clean and healthy economy. USE aims to address the exposed sustainability issues in the field of economic theory and analysis.
机译:全球化,国际化,技术进步,人力资本增长,技术转让,对自然环境的关爱和一体化进程日益影响着人类社会的经济增长和发展。从经济理论的角度来看,社会发展的一个非常特殊的特征是所谓的可持续性。可持续经济的特征在于发展决策,政策和实践,这些决策通过更好地利用资源,增加投资,促进稳定与竞争,发展技能和奖励工作并尊重社会的文化经验来加速以更少的钱做更多的事。可持续发展要求我们从长远角度看待经济,而不是采取短期措施。可持续的经济包括经济稳定和竞争力,就业和教育,健康的环境以及良好的环境做法。与可持续经济有关的领域尤其是可持续经济增长,以知识为基础的创新型经济,收入安全和就业稳定以及清洁健康的经济。 USE旨在解决经济理论和分析领域中暴露的可持续性问题。



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