首页> 外文期刊>International journal of gaming and computer-mediated simulations >Special Issue on Exploring Identity, Emotions, and Learning in Virtual Environments: An Introduction

Special Issue on Exploring Identity, Emotions, and Learning in Virtual Environments: An Introduction


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This special issue explores how virtual environments (VEs) can be used to elicit emotions and perspective taking as well as help users to learn and explore their virtual avatar and physical world identities in interesting ways. VEs are computer-generated environments of real or imaginary content and include games and simulations. The articles selected for this special issue provide novel and valuable insights into a wide-range of VEs, including immersive computer-based (e.g., Second Life), as well as commercial games (World of WarCraft). The authors used a variety of psychological theories and constructs (e.g., five factor model of personality, self-determination theory, self-efficacy, empathy, and presence) to generate an interesting set of research questions to frame the use and impact of the digital environments presented in each article. The result is a special issue that explores the effect of every th ing from environment-external tools to embedded and customizable features of these environments on users interactions with them and the resulting psychological (e.g., affective) and learning outcomes.
机译:本期专刊探讨了如何使用虚拟环境(VE)引起情绪和观点的接受,以及如何帮助用户以有趣的方式学习和探索他们的虚拟化身和现实世界的身份。 VE是计算机生成的真实或虚构内容环境,包括游戏和模拟。本期特刊的文章提供了对广泛的VE的新颖而有价值的见解,包括基于沉浸式计算机的游戏(例如《第二人生》)以及商业游戏(《魔兽世界》)。作者使用了多种心理学理论和构想(例如,人格,自我决定理论,自我效能感,同情心和存在感的五因素模型)来产生一组有趣的研究问题,以构筑数字货币的使用和影响每篇文章中介绍的环境。结果是一个特刊,探讨了从环境外部工具到这些环境的嵌入式和可自定义功能的所有内容对用户与之交互以及由此产生的心理(例如情感)和学习成果的影响。



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