首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Food Engineering >A Comparative Study of Sensitivity of Acetylcholinesterase in Detection of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues

A Comparative Study of Sensitivity of Acetylcholinesterase in Detection of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues


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In this paper, four enzymes from different sources used for pesticide detection were testednand compared: homogenate from chicken liver, chicken brain and cyprinoids brain were made respectivelynin the laboratory and Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was purchased from Musca domestica.nThe inhibition of AChE activity under different concentrations of omethoate, trichlorfon andndichlorvos were compared. The results showed that the AChE activity in chicken liver and cyprinoidsnbrain were very low. The capacities of activity inhibition of other two kinds of AChE werenbetter. Chicken brain-esterase’s inhibition rate achieved 24.16%, 50.56%, and 54.1% for 100ug/Lnof omethoate, trichlorfon and dichlorvos respectively. Chicken brain-esterase has high specificnactivity, is low cost, and easy to prepare, and the inhibition of the sensitivity to three organophosphorusnpesticides is significantly higher than enzymes from chicken liver and cyprinoids brain. Sonthe chicken brain-esterase could be a good choice to use to detect pesticide residues in agriculturalnproducts.
机译:本文对四种不同来源的农药检测酶进行了测试和比较:分别在实验室中分别制备了鸡肝,鸡脑和类胱氨酸脑的匀浆,并从家蝇中购买了乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)。n不同条件下对AChE活性的抑制作用比较了氧化乐果,敌百虫和敌敌畏的浓度。结果表明,鸡肝和类胱氨酸蛇脑中的AChE活性很低。其他两种AChE的活性抑制能力更好。 100ug / Lnof氧化乐果,敌百虫和敌敌畏对鸡脑酯酶的抑制率分别达到24.16%,50.56%和54.1%。鸡脑酯酶具有较高的特异性,价格低廉,易于制备,对三种有机磷农药的敏感性的抑制作用明显高于来自鸡肝和类环磷酰胺脑的酶。 Sonthe鸡脑酯酶可能是检测农产品中农药残留的好选择。



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