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A Constructivist Approach to Web Course Design: A Review of the Literature


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There is little controversy that Computer - Aided instruction (CAI) is ubiquitous. The impact on education has been unparalleled. Libraries of information are now available in a variety of formats. Educators are grasping for methods to harness the data and use it effectively. This is incredible, but at the same time, overwhelming. Additionally, courses in higher education can now be offered online virtually anywhere. Because of these issues, educators are searching for "design methodologies." Numerous authors have described how to use this new technology (Peters & Sikorski, 1997; Carlton, Ryan, & Siktbert, 1998). Two recent studies have provided strong empirical support that compares student outcomes in traditional and web-based courses (Leasure, Davis, & Thievon, 2000; Liao, 1998). All of these articles establish the role that computers are playing in the educational process, but often do not analyze the stratagem employed in course pedagogical development. The purpose of this review will be to appraise design methodologies that have been validated in the literature for use in CAI, especially those that produce higher levels of learning in web-based instruction.
机译:几乎没有争议,即计算机辅助指令(CAI)普遍存在。对教育的影响是空前的。信息库现在有多种格式。教育工作者正在寻找各种方法来利用数据并有效地使用它们。这是不可思议的,但与此同时,势不可挡。此外,现在几乎可以在任何地方在线提供高等教育课程。由于这些问题,教育工作者正在寻找“设计方法论”。许多作者描述了如何使用这项新技术(Peters&Sikorski,1997; Carlton,Ryan,&Siktbert,1998)。最近的两项研究提供了强有力的经验支持,可以比较传统课程和基于网络课程的学生学习成绩(Leasure,Davis和Thievon,2000; Liao,1998)。所有这些文章都确立了计算机在教育过程中所扮演的角色,但往往没有分析在课程教学发展中所采用的策略。这篇综述的目的是评估已经在文献中验证的用于CAI的设计方法,尤其是那些可以在基于Web的教学中获得更高水平学习的设计方法。



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