首页> 外文期刊>International journal of distance education technologies >Cross-Sectional Evaluation of Distance Education Students' Learning Styles and Critical Thinking Dispositions in Turkey

Cross-Sectional Evaluation of Distance Education Students' Learning Styles and Critical Thinking Dispositions in Turkey


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This study aims to examine distance education students 'learning styles and critical thinking dispositions. This cross sectional survey was conducted on 114 Turkish distance education students from various departments in a state university. The data of the study were collected through Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Style Scale (GRSLSS) and California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI). Cronbach Alpha coef-ficiencies of the scales were . 76 for GRSLSS and. 79 for CCTDI. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations), t-test and one-way analysis of variance tests were used. The results indicated that the dependent learning style was the most preferred style and the avoidant learning style was the least preferred style. The further analysis regarding learning style indicated that female students perceived themselves more dependent than male students. The results also indicated that students in teacher training programs scored higher in independent and avoidant sub-scales, while students in arts and sciences programs scored higher in dependent, collaborative, competitive and participant sub-scales. The results manifested that students' critical thinking dispositions were at a low level, and they mostly had analyticity and open-mindedness dispositions. Female students were found to have more critical thinking dispositions than male students.
机译:本研究旨在考察远程教育学生的学习方式和批判性思维倾向。这项横断面调查是针对来自国立大学各个部门的114名土耳其远程教育学生进行的。研究数据通过Grasha-Riechmann学生学习风格量表(GRSLSS)和加利福尼亚批判性思维倾向量表(CCTDI)收集。量表的Cronbach Alpha系数为。 GRSLSS和76。 CCTDI为79。为了分析数据,使用描述性统计信息(频率,百分比,均值和标准差),t检验和方差检验的单向分析。结果表明,依存学习风格是最喜欢的风格,回避学习风格是最不喜欢的风格。关于学习风格的进一步分析表明,女学生比男学生更加依赖自己。结果还表明,在教师培训课程中,学生在独立和回避性子量表中得分较高,而在艺术和科学课程中的学生在依存,合作,竞争和参与者子量表中得分较高。结果表明,学生的批判性思维倾向处于较低水平,他们大多具有分析性和开放性倾向。发现女学生比男学生具有更多的批判性思维倾向。



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