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Reconsidering Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism


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Since the initial publication of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (henceforth TPE) in 1905, Max Weber's arguments have been subjected to extensive debate concerning both the validity of the work's method and the accuracy of its substantive theses.1 It has been both championed as an exemplary text of sociological analysis and condemned as inaccurate and indeed even subversive; its concepts have found application across a wide variety of contexts outside of Weber's original lines of inquiry; and it continues to be taught in universities (with a greater or lesser extent of fidelity to the various caveats and qualifications Weber included in his argument). TPFs prominence is arguably sufficient to often overshadow the remainder of Weber's corpus.
机译:自1905年首次出版《新教伦理与资本主义精神》(以下简称TPE)以来,马克斯·韦伯的论点就该方法的有效性及其实质性论文的准确性受到了广泛的争论。1被拥护为社会学分析的典范文本,并被谴责为不准确甚至是颠覆性的;它的概念已在Weber最初的探究范围之外的广泛环境中找到了应用;并继续在大学中教授(对韦伯论证中所包含的各种警告和资格或多或少的忠诚度)。 TPF的突出地位足以使Weber语料库的其余部分黯然失色。



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