首页> 外文期刊>電気学会論文誌 A:基礎.材料.共通部門誌 >C_8F_(18)プラズマCVDによる非晶質フッ化炭素低誘電率絶縁膜の波状構造積層堆積



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a-C:F堆積膜表面,断面,側面(基板外縁)のSEM 観察rnにより,堆積膜が熱膨張することによって波状膜が形成さrnれることがわかった。一連の実験結果によって確認できたrn波状膜形成の条件は,下層を低電力で堆積する,上層堆積rn中の到達温度が下層の膨張温度以上かつ融解温度以下となrnるように電力と堆積時間を選ぶ,上層は波状化のための柔rn軟性が残る程度の厚さ(約1000nm以下)で堆積する,以上rnの3点を満たした場合のみ波状膜が形成されていた。%We have composed amorphous fluorocarbon (a-C:F) polymer films, which are low-k insulators, by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor rrndeposition using C_8F_(18) as the feedstock. In our previous attempts to form multi-layered a-C:F films under various rrncombinations of plasma power density P and deposition time T, it was found that a-C:F films deposited at a high P (typically rrn2.0 W/cm~3) in a short T (~1 min) became wavy when they are deposited on other a-C:F films deposited at a low P (0.2 rrnW/cm~3). A heating experiment for the films showed that their thermal tolerance was dependent on P; films deposited at 0.2 rrnW/cm~3 started to melt at 250-270℃, while those deposited at 2.0 W/cm~3 did at 350-370℃. It is considered that species of rrnthe precursors for the a-C:F film deposition are determined by P through the degree of C_8F_(18) decomposition. The waving is rinduced by heating the lower layer during the deposition of the upper layer. The following conditions are necessary for ther waving; the lower layer is deposited at a low P, the upper layer is deposited at a temperature at which the lower layer rrnexpands but does not melt, and the upper layer is not thickened excessively to keep its flexibility.
机译:SEM对a-C:F沉积膜的表面,横截面和侧面(基板的外边缘)的观察表明,波纹膜是由沉积膜的热膨胀形成的。一系列实验结果证实了瓦楞纸成膜的条件如下:以低功率沉积下层,功率和沉积使得上层沉积过程中达到的温度rn高于下层的膨胀温度且低于熔融温度。选择时间,将上层的厚度(约1000nm以下)以柔软的柔软性赋予波纹度,仅在满足上述三个要点的情况下形成波状膜。 %我们使用C_8F_(18)作为原料,通过等离子体增强化学气相沉积法,制成了低k绝缘体的无定形碳氟化合物(aC:F)聚合物膜,在我们先前尝试形成多层aC:F膜的尝试中在等离子功率密度P和沉积时间T的各种组合下,发现在短时间T(约1分钟)内以高P(通常为rrn2.0 W / cm〜3)沉积的aC:F膜在起伏时呈波浪形在低a(0.2 rrnW / cm〜3)的aC:F薄膜上加热时的加热实验表明,它们的耐热性取决于P;以0.2 rrnW / cm〜3的薄膜沉积开始熔化在250-270℃时,在2.0 W / cm〜3时的沉积温度在350-370℃时,认为aC:F薄膜沉积的前驱物的种类由P通过C_8F_的程度决定(18)。在上层的沉积过程中,加热下层会引起波动。波浪形;下层以低P沉积,上层在下层rrn膨胀但不熔化的温度下沉积,并且上层没有过度增厚以保持其柔韧性。



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