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The Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition—A Survey


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The Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition (HHD) describes the decomposition of a flow field into its divergence-free and curl-free components. Many researchers in various communities like weather modeling, oceanology, geophysics, and computer graphics are interested in understanding the properties of flow representing physical phenomena such as incompressibility and vorticity. The HHD has proven to be an important tool in the analysis of fluids, making it one of the fundamental theorems in fluid dynamics. The recent advances in the area of flow analysis have led to the application of the HHD in a number of research communities such as flow visualization, topological analysis, imaging, and robotics. However, because the initial body of work, primarily in the physics communities, research on the topic has become fragmented with different communities working largely in isolation often repeating and sometimes contradicting each others results. Additionally, different nomenclature has evolved which further obscures the fundamental connections between fields making the transfer of knowledge difficult. This survey attempts to address these problems by collecting a comprehensive list of relevant references and examining them using a common terminology. A particular focus is the discussion of boundary conditions when computing the HHD. The goal is to promote further research in the field by creating a common repository of techniques to compute the HHD as well as a large collection of example applications in a broad range of areas.
机译:亥姆霍兹霍奇分解(HHD)描述了流场分解为无散度和无卷曲的分量。气象建模,海洋学,地球物理学和计算机图形学等各个社区的许多研究人员都对理解代表物理现象(如不可压缩性和涡旋性)的流动特性感兴趣。 HHD已被证明是流体分析中的重要工具,使其成为流体动力学的基本定理之一。流动分析领域的最新进展已导致HHD在许多研究团体中的应用,例如流动可视化,拓扑分析,成像和机器人技术。但是,由于最初的工作主要是在物理领域,因此对该主题的研究变得零散,不同的社区在很大程度上孤立地工作,常常相互重复,有时彼此矛盾。另外,已经发展出不同的命名法,这进一步模糊了领域之间的基本联系,使知识的传递变得困难。本调查试图通过收集相关参考文献的详尽列表并使用通用术语对其进行检查来解决这些问题。一个特别的重点是在计算HHD时讨论边界条件。目标是通过创建一个通用的技术存储库来计算HHD以及广泛领域中的大量示例应用程序,从而促进该领域的进一步研究。



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