首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics >VizItCards: A Card-Based Toolkit for Infovis Design Education

VizItCards: A Card-Based Toolkit for Infovis Design Education


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Shifts in information visualization practice are forcing a reconsideration of how infovis is taught. Traditional curricula that focused on conveying research-derived knowledge are slowly integrating design thinking as a key learning objective. In part, this is motivated by the realization that infovis is a wicked design problem, requiring a different kind of design work. In this paper we describe, VizItCards, a card-driven workshop developed for our graduate infovis class. The workshop is intended to provide practice with good design techniques and to simultaneously reinforce key concepts. VizItCards relies on principles of collaborative-learning and research on parallel design to generate positive collaborations and high-quality designs. From our experience of simulating a realistic design scenario in a classroom setting, we find that our students were able to meet key learning objectives and their design performance improved during the class. We describe variants of the workshop, discussing which techniques we think match to which learning goals.
机译:信息可视化实践的转变迫使人们重新考虑如何教授信息视觉。专注于传达研究衍生知识的传统课程正在逐渐将设计思维整合为主要学习目标。在某种程度上,这是由于认识到Infovis是一个邪恶的设计问题,需要进行另一类设计工作。在本文中,我们描述了VizItCards,这是一个为研究生infovis课程开发的由卡驱动的研讨会。该研讨会旨在为实践提供良好的设计技巧,并同时强化关键概念。 VizItCards依靠协作学习的原则和对并行设计的研究来产生积极的协作和高质量的设计。根据我们在教室环境中模拟现实设计场景的经验,我们发现我们的学生能够达到关键的学习目标,并且在课堂上他们的设计性能得到了改善。我们描述了研讨会的各种形式,讨论了我们认为与哪些学习目标相匹配的技术。



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