首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing >Parameter Estimation Based on Scale-Dependent Algebraic Expressions and Scale-Space Fitting

Parameter Estimation Based on Scale-Dependent Algebraic Expressions and Scale-Space Fitting


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We present our results of applying wavelet theory to the classic problem of estimating the unknown parameters of a model function subject to noise. The model function studied in this context is a generalization of the second-order Gaussian derivative of which the Gaussian function is a special case. For all five model parameters (amplitude, width, location, baseline, undershoot-size), scale-dependent algebraic expressions are derived. Based on this analytical framework, our first method estimates all parameters by substituting into a given expression numerically obtained values, such as the zero-crossings of the multiscale decompositions of the noisy input signal, using Gaussian derivative wavelets. Our second method takes these estimates as starting values for iterative least-squares optimization to fit our algebraic zero-crossing model to observed numeric zero-crossings in scale-space. For evaluation, we apply our method together with three reference methods to the three-parameter Gaussian model function. The results show that our method is on average 3.7 times more accurate than the respective best reference method for signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) from -10 to 70 dB, using a synthetic test scenario proposed by a competitor. For our full five-parameter model, we investigate overall estimation error as well as per-parameter error and perparameter uncertainty as a function of SNR and various noise models, including correlated noise. To demonstrate practical effectiveness and relevance, we apply our method to the well-studied problem of QRS complex delineation in electrocardiography signals. Out-of-the-box results show a performance comparable to the best algorithms known to date, without relying on problem-specific heuristic decision rules.
机译:我们介绍了将小波理论应用于经典问题的结果,该经典问题是估计受噪声影响的模型函数的未知参数。在这种情况下研究的模型函数是二阶高斯导数的推广,其中高斯函数是特例。对于所有五个模型参数(幅度,宽度,位置,基线,下冲大小),都将得出与比例有关的代数表达式。在此分析框架的基础上,我们的第一种方法通过使用高斯导数小波代入数值获得的值(例如,噪声输入信号的多尺度分解的零交叉),将其替换为给定表达式,从而估算所有参数。我们的第二种方法将这些估计值用作迭代最小二乘优化的起始值,以使我们的代数零交叉模型适合标度空间中观察到的数字零交叉。为了进行评估,我们将我们的方法与三种参考方法一起应用于三参数高斯模型函数。结果表明,使用竞争对手提出的综合测试方案,对于-10至70 dB的信噪比(SNR),我们的方法平均比各自的最佳参考方法准确3.7倍。对于我们完整的五参数模型,我们研究了总体估计误差以及每个参数误差和每个参数的不确定性,它们是SNR和各种噪声模型(包括相关噪声)的函数。为了证明实际的有效性和相关性,我们将我们的方法应用于心电图信号中QRS复杂轮廓的深入研究问题。开箱即用的结果表明,其性能可与迄今为止已知的最佳算法相媲美,而无需依赖于特定于问题的启发式决策规则。



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