首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques >Monolithic Integration of a Folded Dipole Antenna With a 24-GHz Receiver in SiGe HBT Technology

Monolithic Integration of a Folded Dipole Antenna With a 24-GHz Receiver in SiGe HBT Technology

机译:采用SiGe HBT技术的折叠偶极天线与24 GHz接收器的单片集成

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The integration of an on-chip folded dipole antenna with a monolithic 24-GHz receiver manufactured in a 0.8-$mu{hbox {m}}$ SiGe HBT process is presented. A high-resistivity silicon substrate (1000 $Omegacdot{hbox{cm}}$ ) is used for the implemented circuit to improve the efficiency of the integrated antenna. Crosstalk between the antenna and spiral inductors is analyzed and isolation techniques are described. The receiver, including the receive and an optional transmit antenna, requires a chip area of 4.5 ${hbox {mm}}^{2}$ and provides 30-dB conversion gain at 24 GHz with a power consumption of 960 mW.
机译:提出了将片上折叠偶极子天线与采用0.8-μmSiGe HBT工艺制造的单片24 GHz接收器集成在一起的方法。将高电阻率的硅基板(1000 $ Omegacdot {hbox {cm}} $)用于实现的电路,以提高集成天线的效率。分析了天线和螺旋电感之间的串扰,并介绍了隔离技术。接收器(包括接收天线和可选的发射天线)所需的芯片面积为4.5 $ {hbox {mm}} ^ {2} $,并在24 GHz时提供30dB的转换增益,功耗为960mW。



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