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Secure and Efficient Compressed Sensing-Based Encryption With Sparse Matrices


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In this paper, we study the security of a compressed sensing (CS) based cryptosystem called a sparse one-time sensing (S-OTS)m cryptosystem, which encrypts a plaintext with a sparse measurement matrix. To construct the secret matrix and renew it at each encryption, a bipolar keystream and a random permutation pattern are employed as cryptographic primitives, which can be obtained by a keystream generator of stream ciphers. With a small number of nonzero elements in the measurement matrix, the S-OTS cryptosystem achieves efficient CS encryption in terms of memory and computational cost. In security analysis, we show that the S-OTS cryptosystem can be indistinguishable as long as each plaintext has constant energy, which formalizes computational security against ciphertext only attacks (COA). In addition, we consider a chosen plaintext attack (CPA) against the S-OTS cryptosystem, which consists of two sequential stages, keystream and key recovery attacks. Against keystream recovery under CPA, we demonstrate that the S-OTS cryptosystem can be secure with overwhelmingly high probability, as an adversary needs to distinguish a prohibitively large number of candidate keystreams. Finally, we conduct an information-theoretic analysis to show that the S-OTS cryptosystem can be resistant against key recovery under CPA by guaranteeing that the probability of success is extremely low. In conclusion, the S-OTS cryptosystem can be computationally secure against COA and the two-stage CPA, while providing efficiency in CS encryption.



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