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Deep Representation-Based Feature Extraction and Recovering for Finger-Vein Verification


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Finger-vein biometrics has been extensively investigated for personal verification. Despite recent advances in finger-vein verification, current solutions completely depend on domain knowledge and still lack the robustness to extract finger-vein features from raw images. This paper proposes a deep learning model to extract and recover vein features using limited a priori knowledge. First, based on a combination of the known state-of-the-art handcrafted finger-vein image segmentation techniques, we automatically identify two regions: a clear region with high separability between finger-vein patterns and background, and an ambiguous region with low separability between them. The first is associated with pixels on which all the above-mentioned segmentation techniques assign the same segmentation label (either foreground or background), while the second corresponds to all the remaining pixels. This scheme is used to automatically discard the ambiguous region and to label the pixels of the clear region as foreground or background. A training data set is constructed based on the patches centered on the labeled pixels. Second, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained on the resulting data set to predict the probability of each pixel of being foreground (i.e., vein pixel), given a patch centered on it. The CNN learns what a finger-vein pattern is by learning the difference between vein patterns and background ones. The pixels in any region of a test image can then be classified effectively. Third, we propose another new and original contribution by developing and investigating a fully convolutional network to recover missing finger-vein patterns in the segmented image. The experimental results on two public finger-vein databases show a significant improvement in terms of finger-vein verification accuracy.
机译:手指静脉生物识别技术已被广泛研究用于个人验证。尽管最近在指静脉验证方面取得了进展,但是当前的解决方案完全取决于领域知识,并且仍然缺乏从原始图像中提取指静脉特征的鲁棒性。本文提出了一种使用有限先验知识来提取和恢复静脉特征的深度学习模型。首先,基于已知的最先进的手工手指静脉图像分割技术的组合,我们自动识别两个区域:手指静脉图案和背景之间具有高度可分离性的清晰区域,以及具有低指纹模式的模糊区域它们之间的可分离性。第一个与所有上面提到的分割技术在其上分配了相同分割标签(前景或背景)的像素相关联,而第二个与所有其余像素相对应。此方案用于自动丢弃模糊区域,并将空白区域的像素标记为前景或背景。基于以标记像素为中心的补丁构建训练数据集。其次,在结果数据集上训练卷积神经网络(CNN),以预测每个像素成为前景(即静脉像素)的概率,给定一个以其为中心的斑块。 CNN通过了解静脉图案和背景图案之间的差异来学习指静脉图案。然后可以有效地对测试图像的任何区域中的像素进行分类。第三,我们通过开发和研究一个完整的卷积网络来恢复分割图像中丢失的手指静脉图案,从而提出了另一个新的和原始的贡献。在两个公共手指静脉数据库上的实验结果显示出在手指静脉验证准确性方面的显着改进。



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