首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Image Processing >Sparse Representation With Spatio-Temporal Online Dictionary Learning for Promising Video Coding

Sparse Representation With Spatio-Temporal Online Dictionary Learning for Promising Video Coding


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Classical dictionary learning methods for video coding suffer from high computational complexity and interfered coding efficiency by disregarding its underlying distribution. This paper proposes a spatio-temporal online dictionary learning (STOL) algorithm to speed up the convergence rate of dictionary learning with a guarantee of approximation error. The proposed algorithm incorporates stochastic gradient descents to form a dictionary of pairs of 3D low-frequency and high-frequency spatio-temporal volumes. In each iteration of the learning process, it randomly selects one sample volume and updates the atoms of dictionary by minimizing the expected cost, rather than optimizes empirical cost over the complete training data, such as batch learning methods, e.g., K-SVD. Since the selected volumes are supposed to be independent identically distributed samples from the underlying distribution, decomposition coefficients attained from the trained dictionary are desirable for sparse representation. Theoretically, it is proved that the proposed STOL could achieve better approximation for sparse representation than K-SVD and maintain both structured sparsity and hierarchical sparsity. It is shown to outperform batch gradient descent methods (K-SVD) in the sense of convergence speed and computational complexity, and its upper bound for prediction error is asymptotically equal to the training error. With lower computational complexity, extensive experiments validate that the STOL-based coding scheme achieves performance improvements than H.264/AVC or High Efficiency Video Coding as well as existing super-resolution-based methods in rate-distortion performance and visual quality.
机译:用于视频编码的经典词典学习方法由于忽略了其基础分布而遭受了高计算复杂度和编码效率的困扰。提出了一种时空在线词典学习算法,在保证近似误差的前提下,加快了词典学习的收敛速度。提出的算法结合了随机梯度下降来形成3D低频和高频时空体积对的字典。在学习过程的每一次迭代中,它都会随机选择一个样本量并通过使预期成本最小化来更新字典的原子,而不是在诸如批量学习方法(例如K-SVD)之类的完整训练数据上优化经验成本。由于假定所选择的体积是来自基础分布的独立的相同分布的样本,所以对于稀疏表示,希望从训练后的字典获得分解系数。从理论上证明,所提出的STOL可以比K-SVD获得更好的稀疏表示近似,并同时保持结构稀疏性和层次稀疏性。从收敛速度和计算复杂度的角度来看,它表现出优于批次梯度下降法(K-SVD),并且其预测误差的上限渐近等于训练误差。以较低的计算复杂度,大量实验证明,基于STOL的编码方案比H.264 / AVC或高效视频编码以及现有的基于超分辨率的方法在码率失真性能和视觉质量上均实现了性能改进。



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