首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence >WebAPIRec: Recommending Web APIs to Software Projects via Personalized Ranking

WebAPIRec: Recommending Web APIs to Software Projects via Personalized Ranking

机译:WebAPIRec:通过个性化排名将Web API推荐给软件项目

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Application programming interfaces (APIs) offer a plethora of functionalities for developers to reuse without reinventing the wheel. Identifying the appropriate APIs given a project requirement is critical for the success of a project, as many functionalities can be reused to achieve faster development. However, the massive number of APIs would often hinder the developers' ability to quickly find the right APIs. In this light, we propose a new, automated approach called WebAPIRec that takes as input a project profile and outputs a ranked list of web APIs that can be used to implement the project. At its heart, WebAPIRec employs a personalized ranking model that ranks web APIs specific (personalized) to a project. Based on the historical data of web API usages, WebAPIRec learns a model that minimizes the incorrect ordering of web APIs, i.e., when a used web API is ranked lower than an unused (or a not-yet-used) web API. We have evaluated our approach on a dataset comprising 9883 web APIs and 4315 web application projects from ProgrammableWeb with promising results. For 84.0% of the projects, WebAPIRec is able to successfully return correct APIs that are used to implement the projects in the top-five positions. This is substantially better than the recommendations provided by ProgrammableWeb's native search functionality. WebAPIRec also outperforms McMillan et al.'s application search engine and popularity-based recommendation.
机译:应用程序编程接口(API)为开发人员提供了许多功能,可在不浪费时间的情况下重用它们。给定项目需求,确定合适的API对于项目的成功至关重要,因为可以复用许多功能来实现更快的开发。但是,大量的API通常会阻碍开发人员快速找到正确的API的能力。因此,我们提出了一种称为WebAPIRec的新型自动化方法,该方法将项目配置文件作为输入,并输出可用于实施项目的Web API的排名列表。从本质上讲,WebAPIRec采用个性化的排名模型,该模型对特定于项目的Web API(个性化)进行排名。根据Web API使用情况的历史数据,WebAPIRec学习一种模型,该模型可最大程度地减少Web API的错误排序,即当使用的Web API的等级低于未使用(或尚未使用)的Web API时。我们已经对来自ProgrammableWeb的9883个Web API和4315个Web应用程序项目的数据集进行了评估,取得了可喜的结果。对于84.0%的项目,WebAPIRec能够成功返回正确的API,这些API用于实现前五名的项目。这比ProgrammableWeb的本机搜索功能提供的建议要好得多。 WebAPIRec还优于McMillan等人的应用程序搜索引擎和基于流行度的推荐。



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