首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence >Attention Deep Model With Multi-Scale Deep Supervision for Person Re-Identification

Attention Deep Model With Multi-Scale Deep Supervision for Person Re-Identification


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As an important part of intelligent surveillance systems, person re-identification (PReID) has drawn wide attention of the public in recent years. Many recent deep learning-based PReID methods have used attention or multi-scale feature learning modules to enhance the discrimination of the learned deep features. However, the attention mechanisms may lose some important feature information. Moreover, the multi-scale models usually embed the multi-scale feature learning module into the backbone network, which increases the complexity of testing network. To address the two issues, we propose a multi-scale deep supervision with attention feature learning deep model for PReID. Specifically, we introduce a reverse attention module to remedy the feature information losing issue caused by the attention module, and a multi-scale feature learning layer with deep supervision to train the network. The proposed modules are only used at the training phase and discarded during the test phase. Experiments on Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID, CUHK03 and MSMT17 datasets. demonstrate that our model notably beats other competitive state-of-the-art models.
机译:作为智能监测系统的重要组成部分,人重新识别(预先)近年来旨在欣赏公众的广泛关注。许多最近的基于深度学习的初始方法使用了注意力或多尺度的特征学习模块,以增强学习的深度特征的辨别。然而,注意机制可能失去一些重要的特征信息。此外,多尺度模型通常将多尺度特征学习模块嵌入到骨干网络中,这增加了测试网络的复杂性。为了解决这两个问题,我们提出了一种对初中的关注特征学习深层模型的多规模深度监督。具体而言,我们介绍了反向关注模块来弥补由注意模块引起的功能信息失败的问题,以及具有深度监督的多尺度特征学习层来训练网络。所提出的模块仅在训练阶段使用并在测试阶段丢弃。 Market-1501,Dukemtmc-Reid,CUHK03和MSMT17数据集的实验。证明我们的模型显着击败了其他竞争最先进的模型。



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