首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. I, Regular Papers >Model-based approach to robust design, with application tomicrowave power transistors

Model-based approach to robust design, with application tomicrowave power transistors


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Presents a new approach to designing products that are robust to fluctuations of the characteristics of their components. In this new method, the specifications of the factors and performance characteristics are expressed in terms of tolerance intervals. Minimax optimization techniques make it possible to tune the design parameters so as to guarantee performance in the worst possible case for the noise factors. This methodology is applied to the concept of microwave-power transistors, a domain where the realization of prototypes is long and costly, which makes the approach of special interest. The results are quite similar to those obtained over a much longer period directly by using a physical simulation software. This confirms the interest of this model-based methodology to decrease time to market, a key factor in the present economic competition
机译:提出了一种设计新产品的方法,该产品可抵抗其组件特性的波动。在这种新方法中,因素的规格和性能特征以公差间隔表示。 Minimax优化技术使调整设计参数成为可能,从而在最坏的情况下保证噪声因子的性能。这种方法应用于微波功率晶体管的概念,该领域实现原型的时间长且成本高,这引起了人们的特别关注。结果与使用物理模拟软件直接在更长的时间内获得的结果非常相似。这证实了这种基于模型的方法对于减少上市时间的兴趣,这是当前经济竞争的关键因素



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