首页> 外文期刊>IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics >Development of Deformable Mirror Composed of Piezoelectric Thin Films for Adaptive Optics

Development of Deformable Mirror Composed of Piezoelectric Thin Films for Adaptive Optics


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In this paper, we report a piezoelectric deformable mirror composed of piezoelectric thin films for low-voltage adaptive optics (AO). A 2-mum-thick piezoelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) film was deposited on a Pt-coated silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate, and a diaphragm structure of 15 mm in diameter was fabricated by etching a Si handle wafer. A 19-element unimorph actuator array was produced on the PZT films with an Al reflective layer over the backside of the diaphragm. Measurements of the displacement profile using a laser Doppler vibrometer demonstrated that a large displacement of approximately 1 mum was obtained by applying a voltage of 10 Vpp on one actuator. To examine the application feasibility of the deformable mirror to AO, we reproduced low-order Zernike modes by calculating the voltage on each individual electrode using an influence function matrix. The measurements demonstrated that the deformable mirror could produce the Zernike modes up to the seventh term. Considering the low-voltage actuation as well as the capability for miniaturization of the electrode size, deformable mirrors (DMs) actuated by PZT films are desirable for low-cost AO
机译:在本文中,我们报告了一种由压电薄膜组成的压电可变形反射镜,用于低压自适应光学(AO)。将2微米厚的压电Pb(Zr,Ti)O3(PZT)膜沉积在涂有Pt的绝缘体上硅(SOI)衬底上,并通过蚀刻Si来制造直径为15 mm的膜片结构处理晶圆。在PZT膜上制作了19个元素的单压电晶片致动器阵列,并在膜片的背面覆盖了Al反射层。使用激光多普勒振动计测量位移曲线表明,通过在一个执行器上施加10 Vpp的电压可获得大约1微米的大位移。为了检查可变形反射镜在AO上的应用可行性,我们通过使用影响函数矩阵计算每个单独电极上的电压,再现了低阶Zernike模式。测量结果表明,可变形反射镜可以产生直至第七项的泽尼克模式。考虑到低压驱动以及使电极尺寸最小化的能力,由PZT薄膜驱动的可变形反射镜(DM)对于低成本AO是理想的



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