首页> 外文期刊>IEE Proceedings. Part G, Circuits, Devices and Systems >Design centring for yield and noise figure improvement of GaAs MESFETs

Design centring for yield and noise figure improvement of GaAs MESFETs

机译:以设计为中心,提高GaAs MESFET的良率和噪声系数

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An algorithm to determine the optimum nominal value of geometrical and material parameters in device modelling is proposed. The algorithm uses the yield and variance prediction formula and Monte-Carlo analysis. The optimum parameters are obtained when the yield becomes maximum. The performance specification of the noise figure must also be satisfied. Another algorithm for determining the optimal noise figure is derived. The noise figure is represented by geometrical and material parameters in simple device modelling. The algorithms are applied to a GaAs MESFET.
机译:提出了一种确定设备建模中几何参数和材料参数的最佳标称值的算法。该算法使用了收益率和方差预测公式以及蒙特卡洛分析。当产量达到最大值时,可获得最佳参数。噪声系数的性能指标也必须得到满足。得出另一种确定最佳噪声系数的算法。在简单的设备建模中,噪声系数由几何和材料参数表示。该算法被应用于GaAs MESFET。



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