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HRM System Strength and HRM Target AchievementToward a Broader Understanding of HRM Processes


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For some time, HRM researchers have paid attention to the process dimensions of HRM systems, especially to the question of how HRM system strength impacts on HRM outcomes. However, contributions tend to be theoretical, and empirical analyses are still rare. This article contributes to the discussion on HRM system strength by empirically analyzing the links between HRM system strength and HRM target achievement. We differentiate between single components of strength and their partial effects on two HRM target groups: the targets focusing on employee attitudes and the targets focusing on availability and effectiveness of human resources. Findings from a German data set with more than 1,000 observations indicate that HRM system strength has a positive influence on average HRM target achievement. Expectations regarding the differentiated effects of single components of HRM system strength are only partially supported. Nevertheless, our analyses give reason to consider a broader conception of HRM system strength than what has been explored to date. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:一段时间以来,人力资源管理研究人员一直关注人力资源管理系统的过程维度,尤其是关于人力资源管理系统强度如何对人力资源管理成果产生影响的问题。但是,贡献往往是理论上的,而经验分析仍然很少。本文通过对HRM系统强度与HRM目标实现之间的联系进行实证分析,为有关HRM系统强度的讨论做出了贡献。我们区分力量的单个组成部分和它们对两个HRM目标组的部分影响:以员工态度为中心的目标和以人力资源的可用性和有效性为目标的目标。来自德国的数据集中有1000多个观测值的发现表明,人力资源管理系统的实力对平均人力资源管理目标的实现有积极的影响。对HRM系统强度单个组件的差异影响的期望仅得到部分支持。尽管如此,我们的分析仍然有理由考虑比目前探索的更广泛的HRM系统强度概念。 (c)2016年威利期刊有限公司



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