首页> 外文期刊>Human and ecological risk assessment >Implications of Using Steady-State Conditions in Estimating Dermal Uptake of Volatile Compounds in Municipal Drinking Water: An Example of THMs

Implications of Using Steady-State Conditions in Estimating Dermal Uptake of Volatile Compounds in Municipal Drinking Water: An Example of THMs


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Dermal exposure to volatile compounds (VC) in municipal water while showering is typically estimated using a steady-state condition between VC in water impacting on skin and skin exposed to water. The lag times to achieve steady-state between VC and skin can vary in the range of 7.5-218.3 min, while shower duration is often less than these values. Estimates of dermal exposure to VC using steady-state while showering may misinterpret exposure. This study developed models and estimated exposure to some disinfection byproducts (DBPs) through dermal pathway by considering lag times while showering. Dermal uptakes of VC were compared using different approaches. In the proposed approach, uptakes of trihalomethanes were estimated between 9.55 × 10~(-10)-1.43 × 10~(-8) mg/cm~2 of skin during the lag times from exposure to water with trihalomethanes of 50 μg/L. These values were higher than the steady-state estimates (1.37 × 10~(-10)-4.34 × 10~(-9) mg/cm~2), and lower than the average exposure analysis (4.12 × 10(-8)-1.93 × 10~(-6) mg/cm~2). Using the Drinking Water Surveillance Program data in Ontario, chronic daily intakes of trihalomethanes were estimated to be 9.40 × 10~(-7) (1.85 × 10~(-7)-1.65 × 10~(-6)), 3.89 × 10(-6) (7.11 × 10~(-7)-2.33 × 10~(-4)),and 1.40 × 10(-6) (4.0 × 10~(-7)-1.77 × 10(-6)) mg/kg/day in Toronto, Ottawa, and Hamilton, respectively. The findings can be useful in understanding THMs exposure and risk through dermal pathway.
机译:通常在淋浴时皮肤在市政用水中接触挥发性化合物(VC)的情况通常是使用影响皮肤的水和暴露于水的皮肤之间的稳态条件来估算的。在VC和皮肤之间达到稳态的延迟时间可以在7.5-218.3分钟的范围内变化,而淋浴时间通常小于这些值。淋浴时使用稳态皮肤对VC的暴露估计可能会误解暴露。这项研究开发了模型,并通过考虑淋浴时的滞后时间来估计通过皮肤途径暴露于某些消毒副产物(DBP)的程度。使用不同的方法比较了皮肤的VC摄取量。在提议的方法中,在暴露于含50μg/ L三卤甲烷的水中的滞后时间中,皮肤中三卤甲烷的摄入量估计为9.55×10〜(-10)-1.43×10〜(-8)mg / cm〜2 。这些值高于稳态估计值(1.37×10〜(-10)-4.34×10〜(-9)mg / cm〜2),但低于平均暴露分析(4.12×10(-8) -1.93×10〜(-6)mg / cm〜2)。根据安大略省的饮用水监控计划数据,估计每天三卤甲烷的长期摄入量为9.40×10〜(-7)(1.85×10〜(-7)-1.65×10〜(-6)),3.89×10 (-6)(7.11×10〜(-7)-2.33×10〜(-4))和1.40×10(-6)(4.0×10〜(-7)-1.77×10(-6))分别在多伦多,渥太华和汉密尔顿的mg / kg /天。这些发现对于了解THMs通过皮肤途径的暴露和风险可能有用。



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