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The learning outcomes race: the value of self-reported gains in large research universities


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Throughout the world, measuring “learning outcomes” is viewed by many stakeholders as a relatively new method to judge the “value added” of colleges and universities. The potential to accurately measure learning gains is also a diagnostic tool for institutional self-improvement. This essay discussed the marketisation of learning outcomes tests, and the relative merits of student experience surveys in gauging learning outcomes by analyzing results from the University of California’s Undergraduate Experience Survey (Student Experience in the Research University Survey: SERU-S). The SERU-S includes responses by seniors who entered as freshmen on six educational outcomes self-reports: analytical and critical thinking skills, writing skills, reading and comprehension skills, oral presentation skills, quantitative skills, and skills in a particular field of study. Although self-reported gains are sometimes regarded as having dubious validity compared to so-called “direct measures” of student learning, the analysis of this study reveals the SERU survey design has many advantages, especially in large, complex institutional settings. Without excluding other forms of gauging learning outcomes, we conclude that, designed properly, student surveys offer a valuable and more nuanced alternative in understanding and identifying learning outcomes in the broad tapestry of higher education institutions. We discuss the politics of the learning outcomes race, the validity of standardized tests like the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA), and what we can learn from student surveys like SERU-S. We also suggest there is a tension between what meets the accountability desires of governments and the needs of individual universities focused on self-improvement.
机译:在全世界,衡量“学习成果”的方法被许多利益相关者视为判断大学和大学“增值”的一种相对较新的方法。准确衡量学习收益的潜力也是机构自我完善的诊断工具。本文讨论了学习成果测试的市场化情况,以及通过分析加利福尼亚大学的本科生体验调查(研究型大学调查的学生体验:SERU-S)的结果来评估学生体验调查在衡量学习成果方面的相对优势。 SERU-S包括从大一新生进入的对六个教育成果自我报告的回答:分析和批判性思维能力,写作能力,阅读和理解能力,口头表达能力,定量能力以及特定研究领域的技能。尽管与所谓的“直接测量”学生学习相比,自我报告的收获有时被认为具有可疑的有效性,但这项研究的分析表明,SERU调查设计具有许多优势,尤其是在大型,复杂的机构环境中。在不排除其他衡量学习成果的形式的情况下,我们得出的结论是,经过适当设计的学生调查在理解和确定高等教育机构广泛的学习成果中提供了一种有价值的,更细微的选择。我们讨论了学习成果竞赛的政策,诸如大学学习评估(CLA)之类的标准化考试的有效性,以及我们可以从SERU-S之类的学生调查中学到什么。我们还建议,在满足政府问责制的需求与专注于自我完善的个别大学的需求之间存在张力。



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