AbstractCommunity Question Answering (CQA) sites have become a very popular place to ask questions and give ans'/> Finding and Ranking High-Quality Answers in Community Question Answering Sites
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Finding and Ranking High-Quality Answers in Community Question Answering Sites


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AbstractCommunity Question Answering (CQA) sites have become a very popular place to ask questions and give answers to a large community of users on the Internet. Stack Exchange is one of the popular CQA sites where a large amount of contents are posted every day in the form of questions, answers and comments. The answers on Stack Exchange are listed by their recent occurrences, time of posting or votes obtained by peer users under three tabs called active, oldest and votes, respectively. Votes tab is the default setting on the site and is also preferred tab of users because answers under this tab are voted as good answers by other users. The problem of voting-based sorting is that new answers which are yet to receive any vote are placed at the bottom in vote tab. The new answer may be of sufficiently high-quality to be placed at the top but no or fewer votes (later posting) have made them stay at the bottom. We introduce a new tab calledpromising answerstab where answers are listed based on their usefulness, which is calculated by our proposed system using the classification and regression models. Several textual features of answers and users reputation are used as features to predict the usefulness of the answers. The results are validated with good values of precision, recall, F1-score, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and root mean squared error. We also compare the top ten answers predicted by our system to the actual top ten answers based on votes and found that they are in high agreement.
机译: Abstract 社区问答网站(CQA)成为了一个非常受欢迎的提问场所并为Internet上的大量用户提供答案。 Stack Exchange是受欢迎的CQA网站之一,每天都会以问题,答案和评论的形式发布大量内容。 Stack Exchange上的答案按它们的最新出现,发布时间或对等用户在三个选项卡上分别获得的投票(活动,最旧和投票)获得投票。 “投票”选项卡是网站上的默认设置,也是用户的首选选项卡,因为该选项卡下的答案被其他用户投票为良好答案。基于投票的排序的问题是,尚未获得任何投票的新答案被置于“投票”选项卡的底部。新答案可能具有足够高的质量,可以放在顶部,但没有或只有很少的投票(后来发帖)使他们停留在底部。我们引入了一个名为有希望的答案选项卡的新选项卡,其中根据答案的有效性列出了答案,该选项卡是由我们提出的系统使用分类和回归模型计算得出的。答案的几个文本特征和用户声誉被用作预测答案有用性的特征。结果具有良好的精度,查全率,F1得分,接收器工作特性曲线(AUC)下的面积和均方根误差的良好值。我们还将系统预测的前十个答案与基于投票的实际前十个答案进行了比较,发现它们的一致性很高。



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