首页> 外文期刊>Geotechnical testing journal >Effects of Salinity on the Geotechnical Characterization of Fine-Grained Soils and Mine Tailings

Effects of Salinity on the Geotechnical Characterization of Fine-Grained Soils and Mine Tailings


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of soluble salts (i.e., salinity) on the geotechnical characterization of fine-grained soils and mine tailings and to identify applicable test methods to characterize high-saline soils. Three fine-grained soils were used in this study: soda ash mine tailings, kaolin clay, and bentonite clay. The soda ash (sodium carbonate) mine tailings contained high-saline pore fluid and, predominantly, sodium on the exchange complex, whereas kaolin and bentonite clay were used for comparison with the soda ash tailings. Soluble salts were removed from the tailings using dialysis to create specimens with different pore fluid salinity, whereas sodium chloride (NaCl) was added to kaolin and bentonite. The 1: 5 electrical conductivity (EC1:5) of the as-collected soda ash tailings was 19.3 dS/m (deciSiemens per meter), and five additional specimens were prepared with EC1:5 ranging between 1.12 and 17.3 dS/m. The EC1:5 of kaolin specimens ranged from 0.14 to 27.4 dS/m and bentonite specimens ranged from 3.78 to 116 dS/m. The effects of pore fluid salinity were evaluated on Atterberg limits, specific gravity, and particle-size distribution via hydrometer tests. Liquid limit (LL), plastic limit, and clay content decreased for all three materials with increasing pore fluid salinity. Temporal evaluations of soil plasticity suggest that hydration times of at least 2 days are required to solubilize salts and capture salinity effects on LL. Additionally, experimental methods were developed for correcting errors in hydrometer and specific gravity tests that may originate from the presence of soluble salts.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估可溶性盐(即盐度)对细粒土壤和矿山尾矿的岩土特性的影响,并确定适用于表征高盐度土壤的测试方法。这项研究中使用了三种细粒度的土壤:苏打灰矿尾矿,高岭土和膨润土。纯碱(碳酸钠)矿山尾矿包含高盐孔隙流体,并且主要是交换复合物中的钠,而高岭土和膨润土则用于与纯碱尾矿进行比较。使用渗析法从尾矿中去除可溶性盐,以创建具有不同孔隙流体盐度的标本,而将氯化钠(NaCl)添加到高岭土和膨润土中。所收集的纯碱尾矿的1:5电导率(EC1:5)为19.3 dS / m(分米/米),另外准备了五个样品,EC1:5的范围为1.12到17.3 dS / m。高岭土样品的EC1:5范围为0.14至27.4 dS / m,膨润土样品的EC1:5范围为3.78至116 dS / m。通过比重计测试,评估了孔隙流体盐度对Atterberg限值,比重和粒度分布的影响。随着孔隙流体盐度的增加,所有三种材料的液体极限(LL),塑性极限和粘土含量均降低。对土壤可塑性的时间评估表明,至少需要2天的水合时间才能溶解盐分并捕获盐分对LL的影响。另外,开发了用于校正比重计和比重测试中的误差的实验方法,这些误差可能源于可溶性盐的存在。



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