首页> 外文期刊>Fuzzy sets and systems >Representation, Similarity Measures And Aggregation Methods Using Fuzzy Sets For Content-based Recommender Systems

Representation, Similarity Measures And Aggregation Methods Using Fuzzy Sets For Content-based Recommender Systems


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Representation of features of items and user feedback, and reasoning about their relationships are major problems in recommender systems. This is because item features and user feedback are subjective, imprecise and vague. The paper presents a fuzzy set theoretic method (FTM) for recommender systems that handles the non-stochastic uncertainty induced from subjectivity, vagueness and imprecision in the data, and the domain knowledge and the task under consideration. The research further advances the application of fuzzy modeling for content-based recommender systems initially presented by Ronald Yager. The paper defines a representation method, similarity measures and aggregation methods as well as empirically evaluates the methods' performance through simulation using a benchmark movie data. FTM consist of a representation method for items' features and user feedback using fuzzy sets, and a content-based algorithm based on various fuzzy set theoretic similarity measures (the fuzzy set extensions of the Jaccard index, cosine, proximity or correlation similarity measures), and aggregation methods for computing recommendation contidence scores (the maximum-minimum or Weighted-sum fuzzy set theoretic aggregation methods). Compared to the baseline crisp set based method (CSM) presented, the empirical evaluation of the FTM using the movie data and simulation shows an improvement in precision without loss of recall. Moreover, the paper provides a guideline for recommender systems designers that will help in choosing from a combination of one of the fuzzy set theoretic aggregation methods and similarity measures.
机译:推荐项系统中的主要问题是项目特征和用户反馈的表示以及关于它们之间关系的推理。这是因为项目功能和用户反馈是主观,不精确和模糊的。本文提出了一种用于推荐系统的模糊集理论方法(FTM),该方法可处理由于数据的主观性,模糊性和不精确性以及领域知识和正在考虑的任务而引起的非随机不确定性。该研究进一步推进了模糊建模在Ronald Yager最初提出的基于内容的推荐系统中的应用。本文定义了一种表示方法,相似性度量和聚合方法,并通过使用基准电影数据进行模拟来对方法的性能进行经验评估。 FTM包括使用模糊集表示商品特征和用户反馈的方法,以及基于各种模糊集理论相似性度量(Jaccard索引的模糊集扩展,余弦,接近度或相关相似性度量)的基于内容的算法,以及用于计算推荐置信度分数的汇总方法(最大-最小或加权和模糊集理论汇总方法)。与介绍的基于基线明晰集的方法(CSM)相比,使用电影数据和模拟对FTM进行的经验评估表明,精度得到了改善,而没有召回损失。此外,本文为推荐系统设计人员提供了指南,将有助于从模糊集理论聚合方法和相似性度量之一的组合中进行选择。



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