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Optimizing the end user workspace


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Real estate is everything, Space, from the real estate property market, to paying to get your message out to the masses in advertising is potentially the highest commodity in trading today's markets. Foreign exchange is no different. Getting your product in front of the client, and making your product maintain its importance and screen "real estate" in front of the end user is one of the highest priorities for any financial institution, plain and simple. For the active foreign exchange professional many things are important, however what it boils down to is information, information, and more information. Price discovery, trade execution, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and news in the marketplace make up the major items that today's foreign exchange gladiators thirst for to give them the edge. In today's electronic marketplace time is money, and most traders fight the constant battle of how to manage the multitude of informational sources available. Recently at a Chicago seminar on FX, one trader from a major bank stated "You only have so much screen space, and sure there are a lot of good trading platforms out there, and plenty of analytics services that I would love to use, but at the end of the day you only have so much screen space to realistically use." What is the answer? Can any one platform be the end all of informational services? The answer is simple. It depends on the end user.



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