首页> 外文期刊>Food Chemistry >'Quesucos de Li6bana' cheese from cow's milk: biochemical changes during ripening

'Quesucos de Li6bana' cheese from cow's milk: biochemical changes during ripening

机译:牛奶中的“ Quesucos de Li6bana”奶酪:成熟过程中的生化变化

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The changes in chemical composition, main physico-chemical parameters, classical nitrogen fractions, caseins and their degra- dation products, and some fat characteristics were studied during the ripening process of l0 batches of Quesucos de Liebana cheese. a traditional variety made in the north of Spain. The values of the different compositional and physico-chemical parameters at the end of the ripening did not differ significantly from those found in other cow's milk cheeses elaborated with similar technology. The presence of residual lactose at the end of the ripening process is outstanding. The total soluble nitrogen increased by a factor of 2 at the end of the ripening compared to the values shown at the beginning. However. non-protein nitrogen increased very 1ittle. The final values of the different nitrogen fractions show that this cheese undergoes a proteolysis moderate in extension but not very intense and that the rennet is the main agent of the proteolysis produced during ripening. Using PAGE techniques, it was possible to show that, throughout ripening, 56/100 of α_s-casein and ll/100 of β -casein turned out to be degraded. The TBA number and acidity index of the fat values show that the processes of 1ipolysis and fat autooxidation during the ripening of this cheese are not very intense.
机译:在10批Quesucos de Liebana奶酪的熟化过程中,研究了化学成分,主要理化参数,经典氮组分,酪蛋白及其降解产物以及一些脂肪特性的变化。西班牙北部的传统品种。在成熟结束时,不同的成分和物理化学参数的值与使用类似技术精制的其他牛奶干酪中的值没有显着差异。在成熟过程结束时,残留乳糖的存在非常明显。与开始时显示的值相比,成熟时总可溶性氮增加了2倍。然而。非蛋白质氮增加非常小。不同氮含量的最终值表明,该干酪的延伸蛋白水解程度适中,但强度不高,凝乳酶是成熟过程中产生蛋白水解的主要物质。使用PAGE技术,可能显示出在整个成熟过程中,α_s-酪蛋白的56/100和β-酪蛋白的ll / 100被降解。脂肪值的TBA值和酸度指数表明,该奶酪成熟期间的1ipolysis和脂肪自氧化过程不是很强烈。



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