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Acrylamide in coffee: Review of progress in analysis, formation and level reduction


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This paper summarizes the progress made in understanding the formation of acrylamide in coffee, as well as potential reduction strategies, as presented during the joint CIAA/EC workshop on acrylamide, held in Brussels in March 2006. Currently, there are no concrete measures to reduce acrylamide concentrations in roast and ground coffee without appreciably changing the organoleptic properties of the product. Certain approaches, such as steam roasting, have been tried on a laboratory scale, albeit without affording a significant reduction. More work on the mechanisms governing the "loss" of acrylamide during storage of roast and ground coffee is warranted, and studies in this direction have been initiated. Finally, risk/benefit analysis must be addressed in a complex food such as coffee, known to harbour numerous health beneficial/chemoprotective compounds with antioxidant and antimutagenic properties.
机译:本文总结了2006年3月在布鲁塞尔举行的CIAA / EC丙烯酰胺联合研讨会上介绍的在理解咖啡中丙烯酰胺形成方面的进展以及潜在的减少策略。目前,尚无具体的减少措施焙炒和磨碎咖啡中的丙烯酰胺浓度不会明显改变产品的感官特性。某些方法,例如蒸汽焙烧,已经在实验室规模上进行了尝试,尽管没有明显减少。在烘烤和磨碎咖啡的储存过程中,有必要对控制丙烯酰胺“损失”的机理进行更多的研究,并且已经开始朝这个方向进行研究。最后,必须在复杂的食物(如咖啡)中处理风险/收益分析,已知这种食物含有许多具有抗氧化和抗诱变特性的有益健康/化学保护的化合物。



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