首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Animals >Production of WTC.ZI-zi Rat Congenic Strain and Its pathological and Genetic Analyses

Production of WTC.ZI-zi Rat Congenic Strain and Its pathological and Genetic Analyses


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A new rat congenic strain, WTC. ZI-zi, was produced after eleven generations of backcrossing between ZI strain as a donor strain and WTC strain as an inbred partner. WTC. ZI-zi/zi homozygous rats generally exhibit more conspicuous body tremor and much Earlier occurrence of flaccid paresis than the original ZI strain. The average life span of the Congenic strain is approximately nine months, which is also much shorter than that of the Original ZI strain. Pathological analysis of the central nervous system of the congenic strain Revealed more aggravated vaculoation and hypomyelination than in the original ZI strain.
机译:一种新的大鼠同系品系,WTC。 ZI-zi,是在作为供体菌株的ZI菌株与作为自交伴侣的WTC菌株之间进行了11代回交后产生的。世贸中心。与原始ZI品系相比,ZI-zi / zi纯合子大鼠通常表现出更明显的身体震颤和松弛性轻瘫的发生。 Congenic菌株的平均寿命约为9个月,也比原始ZI菌株的寿命短得多。该转基因菌株中枢神经系统的病理学分析显示,与原始ZI菌株相比,其真空形成和髓鞘减少更为严重。



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